Ø Fearless X
Immortal Rank Doom Player!
He that burns and is not consumed, devours and is never sated, kills and is beyond all judgment--Lucifer brings doom to all who would stand against him. Bearing away souls on the tip of a fiery sword, he is the Fallen One, a once-favored general from the realm behind the light, cast out for the sin of defiance: he would not kneel.
Six times his name was tolled from the great bell of Vashundol. Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth. A crater in the desert, Paradise lost. Now he attacks without mercy, without motive, the only living being able to move freely between the seven dark dominions. Lashed by inescapable needs, twisted by unimaginable talents, Doom carries his own hell with him wherever he goes. Defiant to the last. Eventually, the world will belong to Doom.
추천 아트워크 전시대
Seven Tears are flowing to the river
아트워크 전시대
최근 활동
기록상 14,519시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 7월 19일
기록상 16.2시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2023년 3월 8일
기록상 94시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2022년 11월 24일
Ø Fearless X 2022년 5월 28일 오전 12시 27분 
"Virtus Asinaria - Prayer"

Aurum de Arabia - thus et Myrrham
Tulit in ecclesia - Virtus Asinaria
Orientis partibus - adventavit asinus
Pulcher et fortissimus - Virtus Asinaria

Aurum de Arabia - thus et Myrrham
Tulit in ecclesia - Virtus Asinaria
Orientis partibus - adventavit asinus
Pulcher et fortissimus - Virtus Asinaria
Zender 2021년 8월 21일 오전 3시 49분 
great music choice for my Dota game, +rep
NickNiTRo 2021년 7월 27일 오후 3시 56분 
haha what bro
Ø Fearless X 2021년 7월 18일 오전 11시 51분 
wp my dude! i play better than you tho
Ø Fearless X 2021년 6월 21일 오전 3시 10분 
Ov Fire and the Void

I the Sun ov man
The offspring ov the stellar race
My halo fallen and crushed upon the earth
That I may bring balance to this world
I son ov perdition
From sheer nothingness transgressed
Unto the highest self, to utmost freedom
To explore the starry nature ov my rage
I pulse ov existence
The law ov nature undenied
I hold the torch ov Heraclites
So I can shake the earth and move the sun
I divine Iconoclast
Injecting chaos into my veins
With life accepted
With pain resurrected
Is the embrace ov God in man profound
The joy ov a dawn
The ecstasy ov dusk
Nourished have I this karmic flow
Where great above meets great below
Let it be written!
Let it be done!
Scattered I walk towards the fractured light