
Recensioni recenti di E-Wolf

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550.8 ore in totale (106.3 ore al momento della recensione)
This is not Counter Strike. This is Counter Strike in a House - SobeR (2016)

SUMMARY- This is a short summary before I get to the actual part of the review for the game. People often think that this game is the same as Counter Strike. They couldn't be more wrong. Between Counter Strike and Rainbow Six Siege - the difference is that of between the Sun and the Moon. The game is different on so many aspects, this is more of a team-based FPS rather than a game where a single person can make a difference. Of course a single person can make a difference in this game as well but he has to do his duties first as a team member before he moves out to do his own thing. So keep that in mind when you are buying this game. Counter Strike and Rainbow Six Siege may look like brothers but they are not, each of them are fun and unique in their own way.

Little about my Experience- I started playing this game first when it came out back in December 2015. Of course back than I didn't buy it in Steam. I had the Uplay version and I have logged in over 450 hours in the game. Here is the proof - Click.[postimg.org] and here are my stats - Click.[postimg.org] Now I bought this game again to link to my Steam account when it was on sale during the weekend. So with over 500+ hours of experience in this game, at this point - I would recommend it to anyone who loves a serious, fun, competitive FPS.

Final Thoughts- I would waste your time if I made this review any longer. I mean, I could but what I write here is already available over the Internet - You already have awesome guides in the Steam community. So if you want to know more about the gameplay and how it plays, you can check it out in Youtube and read about it in Reddit or the Wiki. For queries, you can visit Reddit. For tips and Awesome gameplays, check out these youtubers - Serenity17, Macie Jay.

  • Gameplay - 9 [Keeps you coming back again and again]
  • Sound - 9 [The ambient sound, the background music - everything is spot on]
  • Game Mechanics - 10 [Unique Game mechanics, not comparable to any games]
  • Fun - 10 [Could be lower for you, if you are playing alone. If you are playing with friends - this game is simply EPIC.]
  • Additional Points - 10 [This game had a huge Cheater base, now with Battleye - the cheaters are non-existent.]
Pubblicata in data 25 novembre 2016. Ultima modifica in data 2 dicembre 2016.
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47.8 ore in totale (5.6 ore al momento della recensione)
It really is hard for a gamer, when a game put you between loving a game or just hating it. Now for a moment, close your eyes and forget about all the DLC's they have put out in the first week of it's release (Let's stop the Hate for a second). Now my review is based solely on the Base game that they have released.

Let's be honest - The idea when it was first shown really interested me and I am definitely sure that like me, many gamers were waiting for this game eagerly. I for one constantly kept tracking the Game's news, video reveals of the monsters, gameplays shown at game conferences. It really got me hyped, plus I was happy that Turtle Rock Studios got a good Game at their hands - A game which was getting positive reviews. Now that the game released, what's my reaction? Read on to know.

GAME MODES - [8.5/10] Evacuation, Hunt, Rescue, Nest and Defend <- Individually all these game modes are fun, at least for me it was fun and I am enjoying it. Hunt - The Hunters must kill the Monster before it can destroy the power relay located in the map. The Monster must reach stage 3 in order to destroy the relay, though it can also opt to kill all of the Hunters. Nest - Six Monster eggs are located in random locations on the map. The Monster must protect them from the Hunters for 18 minutes, and can hatch one of the eggs to spawn a minion to help it. The Hunters must destroy all six eggs, as well as any minions, within the time limit to win. Rescue - Injured colonists trying to escape the Monsters are placed randomly on the map. Hunters need to locate, revive and protect them as they make their escape. The monster needs to kill as many of these colonists as possible and keep them from getting away. Whoever saves—or kills—five colonists first wins. Defend - A starship's refueling station comes under the assault of a player-controlled fully evolved monster and smaller Goliath minions. The hunters must stop the monster from causing a catastrophic accident by protecting the power generators until the ship is fully powered, while the monster must destroy two generators to reach the ship's power source. These are the 4 Base game modes available in the game and Evacuation is an interesting concept which boasts about having more than 800,000 different outcomes - Evacuation is a short Campaign style game where all these 4 game modes may be included. Average time for an Evacuation campaign is around 45-60 mins.

GAMEPLAY - [8.5/10] I will keep the Game Play part short as it is quite easy to get a hold off. Once you go through the tutorial and watch the videos provided, you will be ready to tackle the game head on. Controls are okay, controlling the hunters feels like the usual FPS style and controlling the monster is a whole different ball game but it is quite fun in the end.

STORY - [6/10] Who said the game had any story? jokes aside, Evolve is set on Shear, a distant planet located in the "Far Arm" of space, that humanity has traveled to in the distant future. The established colonies, considered the most valuable in this region of space, are soon attacked by malevolent alien Monsters (Where did I hear this before?). As the Monsters destroy the colonies on Shear, a former planet tamer named William Cabot is brought out of retirement to deal with the threat, in order to evacuate the remaining colonists from Shear. In response, Cabot assembles a team of Hunters—consisting of war veterans, psychopaths, professionals, and expendables—to eliminate the Monsters, setting the main conflict of Evolve

SOUND - [9/10] The Ambient sound is beautiful - the environment really gets you in. The Voice acting has been done pretty good and it really makes you care a little about the characters that you are playing. (You usually hear them talking throughout the game and usually at the start - it's quite neat). Now the Monster part - When it Roars and it keeps running around in the distance, an uncertain fear gets inside your heart - you wait in uncertainty as to when you're gonna find him. Whether you will win or die? If he gets to Stage 3, than find a place to die :) No seriously.

MULTIPLAYER - [?/10] This Review will be updated shortly, specially the Multiplayer part - I need to play a little bit more to decide what verdict I have on the Multiplayer part of this game. Stay Tuned.

DLC - [?/10] I will update this part along with the Multiplayer part. So Stay tuned and read the Base Game review.

FINAL RECOMMENDATION - [7.5/10] Now I am not sure if I should recommend it but it is something you must decide, I don't regret getting this game as I am quite enjoying this and I am thinking of getting the Season Pass as well. It's a great game that you can play with your friends but don't think that this game will keep you interested in the long run unless of course - they keep adding new Game Modes, Hunters & Monsters.

SIDE NOTE (FOR FUN) - Invite 3 friends and 1 Frenemy. Let the 3 of you be the hunter including yourself and let the frenemy be the monster and than have fun killing him x) (Now which frenemy should I invite over today)
Pubblicata in data 16 febbraio 2015. Ultima modifica in data 16 febbraio 2015.
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31.0 ore in totale (24.2 ore al momento della recensione)
My Review of MGS V: Ground Zeroes

Check out the Entire MGS Overarch Story - If you didn't know it already.

  1. Gameplay [9/10] - Probably the best Tactical Espionage game I have played until now. The Game Mechanics, The A.I, The openess in how you approach your Mission objectives. It's all top notch, I don't know about others but whoever did the porting of this game did a damn good job if you ask me. This is after all how a Port should be done and the fact that this game is just a preview of what Phantom Pain will be - I am just speechless (No literally I can't speak anymore, need to go to a doctor).

  2. Story [8.5/10] - Now I wish I could have given 10 or at least a 9 here in this but that would be cheating, after all I am trying to give a genuine review of this game. This individual story is quite good, you have everything that you need to know provided in the back-story and casette tapes. The cutscene directions, the wonderful voice acting - all has been done near to perfection. However when you play this game for the first time (Like me) - All I knew about Metal Gear was Snake - I didn't knew who was who and all that stuff and honestly speaking - it's not quite easy to get hold of it either unless of course, you're a die hard fan which I wasn't - so what about us. Maybe someone else will provide you with a different solution but mine is simple, watch the video series (The Link I provided above - it will bring you up to speed on the entire MGS lore) and once again that video series if for people who don't know much about the MGS Story or they are confused in some parts. That will surely help them, it surely helped me - Now I know everything about MG ^_^ (Boo Yea).

  3. Total Score [9.5/10] - This game for me is value for money, it provides hours and hours of gameplay - I am 12 hours in game and I still have to collect a few of the achievements that are left. So overall you get at least - 5 hours of gameplay if you're a player who likes to rush through things and over 20+ hours - if you're an achivement hunter and a completionist. This game sets a very good stage for what's in store for us - Phantom Pain (The name sends a shiver down my spine), that game will be epic. I don't know what others will do with this game but for me it surely will be one Hell of an Epic game, for me it will be one of the best games of 2015.

Do I recommend it? - HELL YES, after all if I don't - Naked Snake aka Big Boss will come find me, which I don't want. *Psssst - I hear a helicopter, gosh I am too late in writing this review, Snake is here D:* *Runs around in circles and hides inside a box*
Pubblicata in data 5 febbraio 2015. Ultima modifica in data 11 febbraio 2015.
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43.2 ore in totale (1.6 ore al momento della recensione)
So when can I transform the ice? (Transform-ICE) <= Get it, such a bad joke.
*Awkward Laugh*

Anyways bad jokes aside, this is a very simple yet addicting Multiplayer game. If you're just looking for a game where you can just have some fun, this game will give you lots of that and CHEESE. Who doesn't love Cheese C:
Pubblicata in data 1 febbraio 2015. Ultima modifica in data 1 febbraio 2015.
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0.2 ore in totale (0.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Recensione della versione ad accesso anticipato
This game reminds me of those Original Classic games like Caesear and Sierra's Emperor which this game heavily borrows from. The golden age of RTS was a good time and I miss that period - hopefully this project can bring part of that glory back. Cheers to the developer for trying.
Pubblicata in data 31 gennaio 2015.
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