FlameHead †
LMK on anything ;)
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Jearardo Luguisio 28 May @ 11:52pm 
Hemp 2 May @ 9:52pm 
Rip man ukn was fun
Tito 毛泽东 4 Apr @ 10:11am 
אלאהומה-גפיר לאה, ורפא'דאראג'אתהו פי-ל-מהדיין, ווא-כלופו פי עקיביהי פי-ל-ג'בירין, ווא-גפיר לאנה ווה להו יא רבא-ל-אלאםין, וא-פסה, וא-פסה, וא-פסאחן. פיח .

Rest in peace, may justice be carried out upon your killer.
Kek 4 Apr @ 10:09am 
Allāhumma-ghfir lah, wa-rfaʿ darajatahū fi-l-mahdiyyīn, wa-khlufhu fi ʿaqibihi fi-l-ghābirīn, wa-ghfir lanā wa lahū yā Rabba-l-ʿālamīn, wa-fsaḥ lahū fi qabrih, wa nawwir lahū fīh.

Rest in Peace, may justice be bestowed onto your killer.
garrysmodfan38 30 Jun, 2023 @ 11:06pm 
WW = ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ clan gg ez on oil
greebo 30 Jun, 2023 @ 11:05pm 
DRUG DEALER!!! :steamsad: