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Recente recensies door Wahhdy

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65.1 uur in totaal
Campaign is more akin to a generic open-world Ubisoft game with even less substance & replay value with what ends on what a surprise another cliff hanger so they can eventually keep kicking this long dead horse some more in the future when they wanna nostalgia bait some more to make a quick buck or two. Wish i could refund this game but hey might as well give 343 the chump change since they certainly arent gonna be making money off this game anytime soon lmfao. Microsoft should've kicked their studio to the curb after how much of a failure 4 & 5 were. Multiplayer is so completely lacking in diversity & the armor customization is another hollow season pass model that gives you little to no satisfaction in ranking, playing or commendations.
I beg 343 Shills to try to make a defense for a release this embarrassing. Going F2P was one of the BIGGEST mistakes the studio could've ever made, when even their own studio's prior releases were marginally more successful than this heap of hot dog feces. This needed another ten years in the development oven.
Geplaatst 29 augustus 2023.
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5 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
5,284.2 uur in totaal (3,984.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Mediocre game, no battle royale mode instant negative review
Geplaatst 24 juli 2021.
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1,251.4 uur in totaal (1,222.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Development team sets this president of freedom & fun for its players but is more than happy to get rid of/nerf fun & unique playstyles or even gimmick builds that would only even be good situationally. It's fun when there aren't broken patches with their own rank systems with mediocre rewards but even then you can only handle so much of repetitive, not fun, flavorless equipment/builds you'll eventually drop it from sheer mediocrity. Warframe was better when it's DEV's cared.
Geplaatst 23 februari 2021.
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