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68.2 hrs on record
Oh Andromeda... What a glaring example of general mass's idiocy you are. Hopefully now that EA games are back in steam, this game will get the attention and love it deserves. This game is NOT like the original trilogy, it's main story themes, it's gameplay, even it's overall tone is different from the trilogy, and I guess that is what bothers so many brainless fans out there. People have created this unreachable and unattainable standard of what mass effect should look like, and this standard prevents them from seeing what Andromeda actually is. A quite rough, but gem none the less. Andromeda has stellar presentation, great characters, wonderful world building and a feeling of true discovery. Those are things Mass Effect is famous for, and Andromeda delivers just that. If you are willing to see past the animation problems and a cheesy main story, I believe you will have one hell of an adventure
Posted 22 February, 2021.
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