mify21   California, United States
I will never forget you, I'll always miss you, and when we're gone... It's because of your friendly fire..

Its fascinating to express hatred. If those people I hated are suffered from bleeding with tremendous pain and screaming with fear before my eyes, I will smile like an angle and laugh like the sound from haven. When my hand are filled with the mixtures of their blood, I will be satisfy.

Bottom line is, people have the arrogance to believe that they can somehow "pierce the veil" and live some sort of higher purpose in life. Humankind is never going to entirely change "for the better". Ultimately, they are lowlife haters, regardless. A hater with their daily routine job to hate and slowly but surely, sucking this world's resources - society, its system, general un-pleasantries, etc. Working their way up through deception and step on tombstones that belongs to you and I to move up and reach their higher purpose in life.


愚蠢, 愚蠢! 人類最愚蠢的地方,就是明明缺乏面對仇恨的勇氣,卻總愛說自己之所以將仇恨棄之路邊是因為懂 得寬容。遺憾的是,被棄置在路邊的仇恨不可能就此不存在,於是以血還血就成了人類社會的可悲循環,証愚蠢人類的缺乏勇氣。

看著自己一點一滴的被仇恨所滿溢是一種有趣的經驗, 我開始會想像,如果有一天我有機會看到那些為我所仇視的人們,在我面前痛苦的掙扎時,我會不會像過去的獨裁統治者一樣,為自己的成就優雅而愉悅的笑出聲 來?當我雙手沾滿仇人們的鮮血之後,迎接我的,會不會是英明的領袖、民族的救星這類偉大名號?

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Veil of a Far Dawn 2 Jul, 2011 @ 11:24am 
uhh... need some beans for the chowder here
浩人 4 Jun, 2011 @ 2:51am 
Veil of a Far Dawn 18 Jan, 2011 @ 10:15pm 
Mr.ZombieZipLocker™ 12 Nov, 2010 @ 11:21am 
hey dude...you were right...the game is awesome
UMizzCp 29 Oct, 2010 @ 11:22pm 
Very funny MK ..baby legts are for Mother lol
Mother 21 Sep, 2010 @ 11:28pm 
Hey Sean