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1,850.1 hrs on record (1,849.5 hrs at review time)
We did it bois
Posted 11 June, 2024. Last edited 4 March.
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424.3 hrs on record (180.3 hrs at review time)
The true canvas of the creative people.
Posted 4 July, 2019.
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18.2 hrs on record (16.4 hrs at review time)
This game does in no perspective any right to what once was the loved and praised Rollercoaster Tycoon franchise.
Posted 5 August, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
55.8 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I give this game a big thumbs up and a nomination for the "Wow, dude!" category, because it simply deserves it!

First of, we need to take into account that the first Half-Life game get released back in 1998, running on a heavily modded Quake engine, which Valve named the "GoldSRC/GoldSource" engine.
Half-Life was a great success for it's long playing time without losing your attention, intricate puzzles and for that time something that was quite radical: no cutscenes.

Now, we can relive the game that we might call the blueprint of modern FPS games in a quality that makes it interesting for newcomers to play

The amazing graphics quality
You have to take into account that the Source Engine was first released back in 2004, and even though it got some updates, it's still an old engine. Yet this game delivers a graphics quality of which I thought the Source Engine could never deliver, but it does! And the best of it is that you don't even need a killer of a pc for pretty decent graphics!
The main map overhaul
Back in 1998 when basically everything in a computer was limited, maps couldn't get as big and advanced as what's possible now. Thanks to the Source Engine, maps now look much nicer and puzzled could be recycled in a much better way as the Havok Physics engine allows you to do much more.
I also love the swing of what the developers gave to some of the maps to make them more exciting.
Background music
Joel, you're a genius. The soundtrack is just perfect and suits the entire game well. Especially Blast Pit 3 and Forget About Freeman, which foreshadows what's about to come if you listen closely to them.
Posted 28 November, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
60.2 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
If I had to give Portal 2 a score between 1-100, then it would be 999999>

This game has got a lot of funny moments and a good plot that tells you the story, without spoiling too much. Maybe the biggest spoiler in the game was a turret.

For the music; almost perfect, but sometimes a bit too electric. I liked the fact that the music changed with your actions, your location and plot. I don't see that often in games (if they already have music that fits). I.E; it intensifies when you're defeating the boss and it changes when you use the blue gel or if you kill a turret.

The gels are an amazing addition that really adds a new element to the game. Now you don't have only need to think with portals, but also with speed, fysics and bouncyness.
And when you're in co-op modus, you have to think with portals twice as much as in singleplayer.
Don't forget about the perpetual testing initiative! Since Portal have got an end, and after palying the game more times, you know how to solve the puzzles. But in Portal 2, you can use the maps of the community. And if you want to, you can make your own (like I did).

The detaillness of the maps where amazing. You can spilt Portal 2 in 6 parts and every part has got its own properties. For instance, when you're playing in the underground, you see that everything is falling apart due to a lack of maintenance. You also hear that. The soundscape fits amazingly well!

If you're hesistating, buy it. Portal 2 is worth it. It's even more worth it when it's on sale.
Posted 29 December, 2014.
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