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Análises recentes de Vultan7

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What can I possibly say about this game to some it up, nothing to be perfectly honest. I bought this game on sale as a time waster and didnt expect much from a £2 down from £12 game. I was expecting a shoddy game without much of a story line and something I would play for half an hour, get bored, and then never play it again.
This changed as soon as i loaded it up, i could already tell from the music, the simplicity of the main menu, it was my type of game. I got in and was amazed by the beautiful scenery, the dialog made me feel as if i were living the game myself, and i was happily surprised. I wont say what the game is about other then that it really is an adventure, it made me feel wholesome inside once completing and although it was only a couple hours play time at most it left me feeling fulfilled and perfectly happy with the way it ended. The short time i played this game was just enough for me to really feel how the character felt and i genuinly felt the emotions of the character (or what i thought them to be).
I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves short but effective games like this one. I cannot say how much i enjoyed the experience of this game.
Publicada em 30 de junho de 2016. Última edição em 30 de junho de 2016.
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