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24 중 3 (13%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Enlistment Medal

For completing a single battle
2013년 9월 2일 오전 7시 44분에 획득

Procurement Award

For deploying 3 or more supply trucks in a single engagement
2013년 9월 2일 오후 3시 42분에 획득

Dunkirk Medal

For leading over 200 infantry to escape from battle in a single engagement
2013년 9월 2일 오후 4시 04분에 획득

Wavell Medal

For completion of the entire campaign on lowest difficulty

Montgomery Medal

For completion of the entire campaign on middle difficulty

Eisenhower Medal

For completion of the entire campaign on highest difficulty

Distinguished Service Medal

For achieving 100 victories in battle

Long Service Medal

For fighting 100 battles

Landships Medal

For deploying over 1,000 tanks in battle

Infantry Deployment Medal

For deploying over 10,000 men in battle

Royal Red Cross Medal

For deploying over 100 field ambulances

Maginot Line Medal

For deploying over 1,000 fixed emplacements

Battle Engineering Medal

For Demolishing 10 or more emplacements in a single engagement

Regimental Cavalry medal

For deploying over 1,000 mechs in battle

Royal Signals Medal

For deploying over 100 command units in battle

Churchill Medal

For destroying 200 enemy tanks

Hawking Medal

For destroying 200 enemy mechs

Douglas Haig Award

For destroying 2000 enemy infantry

Rememberance Medal

For collecting 20 or more dog tags in a single engagement

Strategic Ops Medal

For posting 5 or more new or edited maps online

Overseas Service Medal

For playing over 20 online games

Home Guard Medal

For fighting over 100 battles as defender

Expeditionary Force Medal

For fighting over 100 battles as attacker

Kings Lancers Medal

For winning a battle without using infantry