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1 658
tuntia pelattu
FDF-Chopper Shuttle
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 1 267 tuntia
Tällä hetkellä pelissä
500 pistettä
Saavutustilastot   304 / 520
yhteensä 71 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 27.7.
yhteensä 3,6 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.7.
Impala 2.11.2023 klo 14.52 
Thanks for the reply, but I was more asking how to use it as a player :)
Vootfer 2.11.2023 klo 14.48 
Sure. It's composed of a deconstructor (with checked "display side by side"; "locked connection panel") that acts as the place for item transfer, which is linked to multiple lockers (containing locked items so they can't be used as storage) that act as access points.
Impala 2.11.2023 klo 13.56 
Hey, could you explain to me how the cargo link works in the FDF-Eternity, I was unable to find any information on the Internet. Many thanks.
blazrandom 26.8.2023 klo 6.21 
Great submarines you make! i suggest making another medium sized vessel like the vortex
papi trickstar 20.3.2023 klo 21.38 
muy bueno el sumbarino vortex 10/10
Мёнин 3.1.2023 klo 22.05 
Awesome pyro playstale, thank you for game, you're good:chef: