"Watching the palm trees sway in the breeze, a moment of peace, I hope there's plenty more." -Ruby Da Cherry
UnicornVatar 27 Feb @ 3:45am 
why you got dat big foout bagde mathafoop? iz it becaze ou have em two?
UnicornVatar 9 Feb @ 8:51pm 
this is hte hose fmerly nown as the demo litions ist old ouse. but, i trid to give mhim his dymainte back and wouldnt u no it i lit the fuse first ooppps. haahah, but seirously. he's dead now. i buried him under the house. hopefulyy his skeleton body will not haunt me or date my girlfnriedn. please dont arrest me. steven. arrest steven. he did it. i was htere! hahah. i being, steven. tha is. not toby. thank yOU!
UnicornVatar 1 Feb @ 7:37am 
im going to throw my laptop then pee on it and im going to burn my house down and im going to kill all my neighbors with a sword on wednesday at 7pm
UnicornVatar 1 Jan @ 9:11am 
what a bunch of big...blue.. ballistic... bazooka.. balls
UnicornVatar 2 Dec, 2024 @ 3:49pm 
do you want this bronze armor for 1mill?
UnicornVatar 8 Nov, 2024 @ 9:22pm 
i would have been able to have my minimum requirement of water. i would have survived, and i would have thrived. all because of the squiggly cup.