Serial Experiments Vlud
Gabriel Miller
[SG]Swumpster: >visit america
[SG]Swumpster: >plane lands
[SG]Swumpster: >everyone claps
[SG]Swumpster: >leave plane
[SG]Swumpster: >TSA confiscates everything for not having enough trans fats.
[SG]Swumpster: >TSA preforms a cavity search on me
[SG]Swumpster: >asks for a tip
[SG]Swumpster: >give them a tip
[SG]Swumpster: >I leave the airport
[SG]Swumpster: >a youth comes up to me on a mobility scooter
[SG]Swumpster: >he pulls out his legally aquired ICBM
[SG]Swumpster: >"gimme your money, ♥♥♥♥♥! I need burgers"
[SG]Swumpster: >give him my money
[SG]Swumpster: >"now hand over the Tip"
[SG]Swumpster: >"I can't give you a tip, you just took all my money"
[SG]Swumpster: >he shoots me
[SG]Swumpster: >no ambulances come because I have no money
[SG]Swumpster: >crawl to bank, take out a loan, and then pay for my ambulance fare
[SG]Swumpster: >not enough credit to pay for medical treatment
[SG]Swumpster: >sent to GITMO
[SG]Swumpster: >interogatted enhancedly.
[SG]Swumpster: >water boarder asks me for a tip.
Aww yiss, breadcrumbs: Why is dis not a moveh

Trixie, P.I.: LOD!
Pax: lod's the best ever
Trixie, P.I.: ...Wuzzat
Pax: urmum
Trixie, P.I.: Right
Trixie, P.I.: right there
Trixie, P.I. pick up pooks by head
Pax: icant see
Trixie, P.I. squish into screen
Pax: where u pointin
Pax: ow
Pax: fu
Trixie, P.I.: Right uh
Trixie, P.I.: right there
Pax: where are you pointing vlad
Trixie, P.I.: 'sthat a little
Pax: my eyes are allergic to pointing
Trixie, P.I.: 'sthat alittle booby action
Trixie, P.I.: you gettin' a little booby action pooks
Pax: little bit of booby action yeah
Pax: little bit of
Pax: jugs
Pax: if it's all the same
Trixie, P.I.: knockitos
Pax: twins
Trixie, P.I.: little uh... little melons
Trixie, P.I.: like some kind of
Trixie, P.I.: like a cantalope
Pax: yeah like some sort of
Pax: rack or something
Trixie, P.I.: Baby owls. You know, little, little infant hooters
Pax: yeah yeah
Pax: like tiny little sweater stretchers
Trixie, P.I.: a couple of 'skeeter bites
Pax: a pair of globes
Trixie, P.I.: the little mini globes on history teachers' desks with the pencil sharpener in the bottom

Vladcaroni: Kaz "If you fulton a ♥♥♥♥, I'll shoot the balloon" Miller
蛍Firefly: Kaz "When you build a nation, remmeber the cotton plantation" Miller
Vladcaroni: Kaz "Don't bring in fatlips or I'll give them the whip" Miller
蛍Firefly: Kaz "Only the aryan race is allowed on mother base" Miller
Vladcaroni: Kaz "I'll never be kin with africans" Miller
蛍Firefly: Kaz "I'm racist" Miller
Vladcaroni: :3c

Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: Peanut butter is not consent
♥Countess Heartcall™: Yes it is.
♥Countess Heartcall™: Doggie not have to lick delicious peanut butter.

Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: She's an intrepid explorer
Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: Lil' canteen and everything
I, Sunlord: lil compass
Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: Itty bitty panama hat
I, Sunlord: lil bag of rat jerky
Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: Tiny boot for tailtip
I, Sunlord: smol messenger bag
Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: Whip that's been laundered on the wrong setting
I, Sunlord: shrink ray'd utility belt
Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: Teensy levvuh jacket

Dadimir, loved of Snek <3: Snek has climbed ontu screen and is now operating computer
蛍Firefly: Hacking in progress
Bakelite 16 lipca 2024 o 4:20 
Several years and I still miss you with a heavy heart. I hope you're resting easy. I won't forget the times we had.
Sen 29 grudnia 2021 o 22:19 
I miss you, friend.
Bakelite 10 listopada 2020 o 11:38 
I miss you. Rest in peace.
Blue! :) 24 sierpnia 2020 o 0:09 
May you rest in peace brother, we still love you.
Curly 6 maja 2020 o 22:34 
Hope youre fine dude
WARSIE 6 listopada 2019 o 22:08 
It is with deep regret that I say for all to read that you are no longer with us.