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Скорошни рецензии на Vight

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12.5 изиграни часа
Tomb Raider 5 is by far the most varied out of the first 5 games in the series.
In this game you go through memories of adventures that Lara Croft went on. This doesn’t include any levels from the previous games, so don’t worry.

Because they go through memories, the items that you pick up won’t be carried over to the next level. This is something to keep in mind so you don’t hoard all the ammo and medkits and expect to use them later. Every level is a new time and a new inventory. This said, we both know that you’ll still hoard every item, just like I did, and then get sad because you never used that really cool gun you found. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The movement in this game is very much the same as in the previous games, but with some minor tweaks. I can’t put my finger on what they are, but it just feels better.
Just like in Tomb Raider 4, they have the tutorial in the first level, but for some reason they decided to hide it. Just go down the ramp to the side from where you start instead of the obvious straight road and you’re there.

As every level is a different memory, they do play very differently. Some focus more on exploring, some are focused on stealth and there’s even a “horror” level that really scared me as a child. It also taught me the importance of multiple saves, so I could rewatch the intro (an intro that felt way too awkward now that I’m an adult).

One thing to note is that the developers did not want to make this game. Tomb Raider 4 was supposed to be the real ending. So, Tomb Raider 5 heavily borrows from previous games while still staying unique, but is by far the shortest game in the series.

To conclude:
I do recommend that you play this game if you enjoyed the previous games. But just like Tomb Raider 2, 3 and 4, you do need something like dgVoodoo to play. It won’t work correctly without it on modern platforms. Like all the others, there’s a bunch of online resources to help you set that up.

One thing to not is that they are making a remaster of Tomb Raider 4-6. I don’t know what (or if) they’ll change, but unless you feel comfortable tinkering with the files, you should probably wait for that.
Публикувана 22 октомври.
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33.1 изиграни часа
This is probably one of my favourites in the Tomb Raider-series. Tomb Raider 4 changes things up by for the first time putting more focus on the story. The main focus is still the puzzles and platforming of course, but now there are more mid-level cutscenes and you even get to play as a young Lara Croft. Because of this new focus, the game also feels more dynamic. The first thing that comes to mind is how you get different dialogue if you’re fast enough during the race in the first level.

Compared to Tomb Raider 2 and 3, the 4th game doesn’t expect you to have played the previous games. They even (also for the first time) put the tutorial in the first level and not as a separate option in the menu.

The game also takes a step back and makes you feel like an actual Tomb Raider again as you explore and lets the combat take more of a back-seat.
Exploration is something that you do have to get used to. There’s a lot of times where you will basically hit a wall and need to explore elsewhere before you can progress and it’s not always obvious when this is the case. So I’ll be honest and say that I did look up a few walkthroughs after I had walked around for 30+ minutes without getting any leads on what to do (and it didn’t feel nice, Kevin 🙁).

The levels are also greatly expanded from the previous games. Now there are levels with loading-screens between areas. Previously a loading-screen always meant progress, but not anymore. So if you like smaller levels, this might not be for you.

As usual in the series, the movement is improved once more, but the leap isn’t as big as between the previous games.
There are way more vehicles this time around though and luckily, they feel way better than before. Still not perfect, but very usable.

To conclude:
If you liked the first game, but felt like something to lost with Tomb Raider 2 and 3, this is the game for you. With less combat and more exploration and puzzles, this game hits the perfect sweet-spot.

However, just like with Tomb Raider 2 and 3, you will have to use something like dgVoodoo to play it. There are great resources for this online where you just copy-paste the files.
At the time of this review, they’re making a remastered version of Tomb raider 4 – 6 (I have no information on what will be changed in the remaster), so maybe you should wait for that unless you feel comfortable with tinkering a little before you can play.
Публикувана 22 октомври. Последно редактирана 22 октомври.
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39.9 изиграни часа
Let’s get one thing straight, if you though any of the first two games were too frustrating or hard, this isn’t for you.

Just like Tomb Raider 2, this one expects you to have played the previous games in the series. But even that won’t save you from death.
Tomb Raider 3 makes sure you know your place from the start as it spits in your face while you’re lying on the floor crying.

The first level starts with you sliding down on some mud (I guess?). There’s a nice platform on the downhill that you can see an item on. And of course, as any sane person would do, you slide down to it and grab it. As you pick it up, a boulder falls on you and you’re dead.
Literally the first item you see, is a trap. And don’t you worry. This keeps up the entire game.

One positive thing about this is that for the rest of the game, whenever you see an item that’s just out in the open, you get scared. You start to triple-checking every wall, corner, floor, ceiling and might even start looking behind you in real life to make sure there’s no trap there before you pick it up.

As this also just happens to be the longest Tomb Raider game (out of the original 6 by Core Design), you have plenty of time to get used to the game over-screen.

But if you can get through that, you will have a really good time with this game. There’s a lot of interesting locations, the movement is better than before and the non-cheap difficulty is really fair.

But just like with Tomb Raider 2, it’s not the easiest to get this to run on modern hardware. There are a lot of resources online to help you, but I would still recommend getting the remastered version instead unless you really want the original PC version with 0 changes.
Публикувана 21 октомври.
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23.6 изиграни часа
If you're reading this, I'm assuming that you already played the first one.
This game is very much like the first one, but with better graphics and some much needed movement options.
One thing to note is that the game almost expects you to have played the first Tomb Raider as this one is more difficult and there are way more human enemies. And don’t worry if you can’t see them. They can see you and will make themselves known so you can remember them on your next reload 😊

The combat feels so much better now that you can turn around in the air! Which is good because there’s also more combat in this game compared to the first one.

Most things are just better in this game compared to the first one. However, if you though it was too easy to start the first game, this is the prefect game for you. On modern hardware, there’s so many issues. The most noticeable one is that none of the cutscenes work.

The only way I found to run this was through dgVoodoo. Luckily, you can find this easily online where you pretty much just have to copy and paste the files.
So if you have to choose, I do recommend getting the remastered version.
Публикувана 21 октомври.
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28.8 изиграни часа
(I would recommend getting the remaster instead of this version. Even though it still runs well, there are some minor bugs)

I'm going to be honest and say that I am biased as this was one of the first games I ever played (around 20 years ago), and the first game I ever owned, but I’ll try to be as objective as I can. I played it now again for a personal project where I play all the Tomb Raider games in order. This review is written after I finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Let’s start with the obvious. The game is old and there wasn’t any standard for how a game should control back then. They added a few well-needed additions to the movements in the sequels, but we’re not talking about them right now. The game was designed around how Lara (the character that made you like women) controls. So because of this it never feels like the tank controls hinders you in any way. Well except in one case, but we’ll get there later.

To play this game today, you almost have to remap the keybindings or play with a controller (Recommended, but you have to use something like Xinput).
But when you get an understanding of the controls, there’s nothing else like it. Because of how the levels are set up, you always know if you can or cannot make a jump.
This game also doesn’t help you like newer games. You pressed the buttons, you made the jump. There wasn’t any magical magnet that pulled you to the edge or anything like that. You did it yourself and should be proud. Especially as some of the secrets require some very precise movement.

The level design (most of the time) feels very natural. I personally really like that, but because of this it’s really easy to get lost. There’s no goblin that goes in before you and paint random spots yellow to show you where to go. Even the puzzles will not always be obvious. Sometimes you have to stop and look around to see if anything looks out of place or if you missed something. There’s no shame in looking up hints online if you really get stuck (but it won’t feel as nice, Kevin).

As you might understand, this is a platforming and puzzle game first and foremost. But, there’s also combat and it’s... ok? This is where the tank controls really shows it’s ugly side. It’s very obvious that the combat isn’t the main focus. It’s there to give you some variety and nothing else. It’s clunky and you’ll just try to get through it as fast as possible. That’s all I have to say about the combat 😊

Honestly, I could talk for hours why I love this game and it will never do it any justice. If you feel even a little bit interested, just play it. Just remember that it won’t hold your hand, so save often.
Публикувана 21 октомври.
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9 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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10.3 изиграни часа
Before you read this review I want you to know that I played this alone. Is it better with friends? Probably. But just understand that this is from the perspective of someone who wasn't able to do everything. So, let's start.

This is by far the hardest I've ever had to push myself to finish a game! Not because it's difficult (it's really easy), but because of how boring it is. Literally 99,99% of the puzzles are solved by you pressing a button, holding LT or rolling a ball. Sometimes even combined.
The first game wasn't very difficult either, but it still made you use a couple of brain-cells. In this game however, I had to use my brain for one (1!) puzzle. That's it!

But hey, maybe the progression is alright? It is the most bland progression I've ever seen. You never unlock any new abilities. The only thing you unlock is weapons and rings that give you some buffs and debuffs. Sure, you do unlock some amulets that give you some extra effects when you have a combo going, but these usually never affect how you play. And if you get the fire-effect you can even bypass some of the puzzles (that is a positive though. I like that there was more than one solution).

This is honestly just a worse version of the first game. Sure the open world was a little more interesting that the menu from the first game, but as most other things in this game are boring, it didn't save it.

In short: If you want a Tomb Raider top-down co-op game, get the first one (Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light).

If you're still reading this, I guess I can't save you anymore. But I can at least help you with some trouble-shooting. If the game crashes as soon as you get to the menu, you need to disable some cores. I had to go all the way down to 8 cores before I could play.
Публикувана 10 август.
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21.8 изиграни часа
Just a heads up before the review: Ubisoft has closed down the servers, so the "Online Challenges" no longer work. Not that big of a deal honestly, just a little annoying as they keep reminding you that there are new challenges (even though you can't access them).

The actual review:
This is probably the best version of 2D Rayman right now (and maybe for the future as well).
Even if you couldn't get into Rayman Origins you might still like this one as the levels are more streamlined and the "secrets" are more obvious.

One downside I could think of is if you just got done playing Origins, as this one has 40 levels from Origins but remade with the new style. They are however only required if you're going for 100%. The main game can be played without interacting with the remade levels.
Публикувана 12 май.
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3.8 изиграни часа (3.8 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is overflowing with personality and that unique Sui Arts touch!
If you haven't played his older games you might be a little surprised though. The game doesn't take itself very seriously and there's lots of fourth wall-breaking (the game even points out that the joke is getting overused in the beginning). If you don't enjoy the humor, you're probably not going to enjoy your time with the game.
However, I do recommend that everyone at least tries the game. There's a free demo, so nothing will be lost if you don't like it. You're not going to experience anything like this anywhere else (except in Sui Arts other games then obviously).
But I'll keep following Sui Arts and I'm already looking forward to the next episode. Keep up the good work!

The only thing I can see as a negative is that this is very obviously a mobile-first kind of game and that includes the big on-screen buttons. It would be nice to have a setting that removes some of those (for example the interact button in the bottom right) so it looks closer to a game made for the computer. It's obvously not needed and doesn't change how good this game is, but it would be nice to at have the option there.
(Edit: The amazing developer listened and updated the game, so you can now hide the buttons through the settings)

The game is also released on Google Play and Apples App Store. I’ve played his other games on mobile and only bought this on Steam so that I could enjoy the new pixel-art on a bigger screen.

In short: Buy this and when you've played this, play all other Sui Arts games if you haven't already.
Публикувана 2 март. Последно редактирана 9 март.
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Разработчик е дал отзив на 2 март в 15:12 (преглед на отклика)
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1.4 изиграни часа
If you're even thinking about this game, just play it.
It's free and short. Even if you take your time it will only take about 1h to complete and the less you know before you start playing the better.

It makes me wish there was more (that I would gladly pay for).
Публикувана 26 февруари.
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8.6 изиграни часа
This is probably one of the most satisfying platformers I've ever played.
If you're even just a little bit interested in this game, just buy it and give it an honest chance. It will feel a little limiting in the beginning, but towards the end you'll be flying through each room with ease while having a blast!

How you use each ability is 100% up to you and because of how this game is designed, it is possible to get to places that was intended for a specific ability before you even unlock it.
Публикувана 18 декември 2023.
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