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Análises recentes de Evelyn, Angel of the void

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36.2 horas registradas (31.7 horas no momento da análise)
This game is very hard to really review. Let me go over some quick bullet points before I go throwing around my 2 cents.

Things that are objectively good:

-Absolutely GREAT Dev. Amazing guy and actually CARES about how his game's finished product will be.
-Frequent fixes, patches, and support all around.
-Gameplay is simple enough to get and so are the controls.
-Fairly cheap for what it is and how well it actually runs.
-Block based physics building WITH collision damage being a thing for once in these kind of games.

Now, Some things that are objectively terrible.

-Music. All of it but the main menu.
-AI (Which is being fixed in the update after this review, But I'm going to add it because I don't really know how much the AI will be repaired.)
-Building mechanics are VERY precise. Extremely so if working to replace one block in the middle of your ship.
-Some of the art is... I hate to admit, But it's terrible. (Something I hope to be fixed soon, Granted nobody falls down the stairs again.)
-Lacking of PASSIVE inertial dampening causes me to sometimes slam into ♥♥♥♥ and makes me want to die a little inside.
-NO REAL CLEAR DESCRIPTION OF ANY BLOCKS EVER. Most are straight forward, But some are just 'WHAT DOES IT DO?!'
-Drones being complete crap in battle. Really only good for repairs.

Ok, Now that those are out of the way... Let me actually go through why I would in fact recommend this game with the stuff I said is bad.

The game itself for a lacking of a better word is rather basic, And simple too play. It's got the potential to be a master-piece among the titles of 'King Arthur's gold' or 'Terraria' given time and more development. It has great replay-ability if you're into building and simple physics-y games. The mechanics of the game aren't fully flushed out yet in terms of resourcing from the feels of things, But this is something fixed over time rather then all at once. Even 'Space Engineers' took well into months of Dev with a whole team of people working on it to tweak it to be any ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good at all.

It's actually very fun for being very simple. It feels fun all around for the most part and with new content being added each update and the updates and fixes being quite small and frequent, I usually look forward to seeing the game after each update.

One of the points that I feel though is that story mode is a little lacking and lack luster, But the open sandbox play is still quite fun.

Now, The draw backs that the game has CURRENTLY that I feel will be more influential and flushed out later are the factions. The factions to me seem reeeeeally pointless... But I think it's not a lacking of effort, and more about needing to have more time to really implement them.

Let me just mention the Dev though... He is actually REALLY nice and can really take, and often does, a lot of criticism. Really what some people need to understand is that he is only ONE GUY who does pretty much everything from what I hear, And almost never gets any outside help past some occasional forum suggestions for things he already actually has planned. Who else can say that they alone made a game that has even HALF the good things I've mentioned above?

And with all this being said, It all really boils down to, Yes the game is fun, runs great, is done by one very fantastic guy with an idea, and has just god awful music with an amazing, Passionate Dev whose not going to abandon his project just because some child doesn't understand the game creation possess.

Overall, I'd say the game deserves a chance and is actually VERY MUCH WORTH the cheap price $5.

7/10, Recommended to people who like and enjoy the simple things in games.

UPDATE! 2/7/2023 -
Abandoned. Feels unfinished still. Eh... Backed the wrong horse on this one. Avoid.
Publicada em 3 de março de 2016. Última edição em 6 de fevereiro de 2023.
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44.1 horas registradas
Team fortress 2 is a very stylized first-person shooter. It looks and plays exactly as it looks. With that being said, This is my opinion of the game...

The game is boring... The player base is horrid... The style is ugly and blegh.

Personally, I find the game lack luster in visual desgin and gameplay with a horrible fan-base. While it isn't the worst fans I've ever met... (Looking at you runescape...) ...I think they're pretty bad on here.

Other then that, Most of my hate of TF2 is from personal and byass grudges with the game's coding, But I won't get into that.
Publicada em 4 de setembro de 2015.
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1.6 horas registradas (1.5 horas no momento da análise)
Putting aside the personal dislike of the games overall atmosphere, I find that the gameplay itself is rather hard, And very unforgiving. One thing I've also noted about this paticular game is that the scripting it uses is very bad, As well as the actual coding itself. While the artistic style matches the theme of the game, And doesn't look to bad, I'd have to say that the ammount of bugs it has makes the game damn near unplayable. Now, I'm all for a game being challanging, And infact I do love challanging games, But this is more of a challange because of its floaty controlls and as I've said before, Bad coding.

One paticular moment was at the start of part III - I, Where the worm-caravan-thing would quite litterally, Bash its own head in off screen, And crash into the ground, Leaving me stuck in an endless cutscene. When I restarted it, I was greeted to the same thing, Over and over. In the end, By shear luck, I got the second phase of the cutscene to initalize and actually FAILED, Where I was able to use their built in level skipping mechanic at the cost of all gold I had earned upto that point. Not only was this rather rage endusing, But made me feel like I was being punished by the game for simply playing it.

On another note, The game engine feels very floaty in physics. One thing is the lacking of a real feeling of gravity to the world and the feeling of too much air resistance. This makes it very hard to quickly change directions as the rock-chain wouldn't switch directions dispite me yanking it the other way and swinging it that direction several times.

Yet another issue with the game is its overwhelming difficulty. Dispite the floaty and bad controlls, The AI seems to have damn near full controll of how they swing their weapons. While I have to pitch, Roll, Slam into walls and the floor to pull of my many orbits to get my weapon to actually swing, (Wimpily I might add.) The AI was able to dead-on charge me and send me flying into the ground, Dealing almost 50-60 damage to my starting vessel, Which is almost 80% damage. Another thing is that on MANY occations, While fighting enemies like the worm-like creatures, After bashing them in the head, They would go limp for only around a quarter of a second before shooting at me like they were fired out of a cannon, And deal a killing blow or damn near.

To cap this off, I just have to bring up the broken coding one more time. On the mission where you battle a... sky-shrimp-thing?... and defend another... Worm-blimp-thing....? ....While I would try my best to defend it, The sky-shrimp would just crash into the worm-blimp-thing and spaz out, Causing everyone to, In a way, Explode. Honestly, I tried the mission again and stood completely still while it crashed into me, And amazingly won... In under 10 seconds...

One thing I also didn't note above is the HUD. The HUD is far to big for some missions as I can't see the entire battlefield. Of corse, this issue could be just my monitor's res, But I've read that it is a big issue for others as well as myself. Of corse, The HUD issue isn't as much a problem as most other things that could be wrong about this game.

While I understand that I probably can't do better then this, I also feel that the creators could do so much better. They put a lot of work into this, And while the consept would be great, The actual game itself was executed rather poorly. I would NOT recommend this game, Unless it was free... Which its not, And never will be. To the Devs of this game, I would STRONGLY advice a revision of the games engine and a quick once over of the scripting and dialog of cutscenes throughout the story.

And thank you in advance for reading my review completely. ~<3 Violet.
Publicada em 7 de maio de 2014. Última edição em 7 de maio de 2014.
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