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10.4 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
One of the best FPS games to come out in recent years if not the best, finally, a game that captures everything the community loved about games like Battlefield, but a little more chaotic.

And that's without talking about the proximity voice being arguably the best thing about the game.
I haven't had this much fun playing an FPS in years!
Posted 20 June, 2023.
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343.3 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Do not buy this game a week before you have a finals exam.
You won't be able to study for the exam.
Posted 19 November, 2021.
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374.5 hrs on record (281.9 hrs at review time)
The great economy revolt.

Do not play the game, it's engineered to be unplayable unless you pay, eventually, after you get hooked.
Posted 28 October, 2021. Last edited 21 May, 2023.
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68.0 hrs on record
The developer of this game spreads pro-terrorist propaganda on their twitter account. Don't give them your money.
Posted 2 June, 2021.
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384.1 hrs on record
It might be good?

I think we should wait a bit more before coming to a conclusion.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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1,451.8 hrs on record (937.3 hrs at review time)
I might need to play it a bit more to be sure, but I think it's alright.
Posted 15 September, 2018.
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72.9 hrs on record (30.9 hrs at review time)
In a short summary, this is an excellent game crippled by AI, which will still be very enjoyable, especially with friends.

Full review
(pros and cons further down)

The game has the potential to be the best in the series, it has various new mechanics, the visuals are refreshing for the series, and replayability is amazing. Although probably the only "major" so to speak problem would be the AI and how it behaves.

On the matters of A.I.
In the current state of the game, playing against AI is somewhere between boring and annoying.
The problems the AI seem to have are the following:
  1. going to ridiculous wars with no reasoning. Even if you get to being friendly with an AI, he may just randomly start a war with you. Even after that, he won't send any units to fight you or maybe just send one.
  2. Becoming friends or allies with an AI is practically impossible. Oh you are a monarchy while I'm a classical republic? instant -5 to opinion. when meeting an AI, you get a "first meeting" modifier, which I can only assume is a random number between -5 and +5. In addition, very often AI will decide you aren't following their agendas (e.g norway thinks your navy is puny), when you clearly have satisfied it (I had about 3 times the ships norway had). It even zig zags between two turns, the first praising you for following the agenda, then the next being annoyed at you.
  3. Going to war is a political suicide with AI. AI very often conspire against you and will either backstab you or just surprise attack you, with the help of many other AI. at the end they are all friendly to each other. The moment you declare a formal war with medium warmonger penalty, the entire world denounces you. Holding a city founded by another civ means permanent denounciation.
  4. The trades the AI does are ridiculous in one direction or another. Brazil declares war on me, proceeds to do nothing for the entire war, so do I seeing I do not care. After some turns he offers me a peace offer ceding 2 cities of his 3.

On the matters of balance
Another problem that is more evident in higher and lower difficulties is the unbalanced tech tree.
An AI on king difficulty launched a satellite into space (which means he's really close to a science victory) in 1635.
In addition, the tree seems like it has multiple weird spots, such as archery not leading to anything, meaning you avoid it, fearing a waste of turns. Worse even is the top line of the tech tree, starting with sailing, which leads to compters without any intervention from the other tech lines.

On the matters of User Interface
The UI is largely find and polished, namely the main menu being one of my favorites in gaming history (gotta love some christopher tin music), although it has some shortcomings, such as very small X buttons to exit diplomacy screens, and the auto unit-rotate feature which has caused me to waste so many movements.

On the matters of mid-game
Players of previous civ games will know that the mid game has been nutoriously stale.
Fortunately, in civ 6 this is mostly not the case, if you can build your cities properly, production wise.

On the matters of bugs
The game is mostly fine, although some people seem to report crashes on load, loads hanging and such, but those being pretty rare, it's not a real worry.

On the matters of music
The music for the game, composed by Christopher Tin is absolutely stellar.
Some people have compared it to Baba Yetu, which won a grammy. I am one of those.
Sogno di Volare is in my opinion the best main theme civ had. ever.
The music for each civilization also evolves through the eras, having a very basic tune in the ancient era, and all the way to the information era, where the core melody (such as a banjo for america) remains, but has many layers added to it.

Pros and Cons

  • Very unique and beautiful art style.
  • Very good music, to the point of me buying it seperately.
  • Many new features to the series, making the gameplay feel different and exciting.
  • Even after 29 hours into the game, the game still feels packed with content and probably will continue so for at elast another 29.

  • AI is faulty. It's not as enjoyable to play against AI, as you will probably be forced to either remain pacifist or have some level of domination going on.

Neutral / Notes:
  • At the time of writing the review, mods were not available. Mod support should be coming soon, and with mods, as we've seen with civ 5 and skyrim, almost all problems should be resolved, if not by official dev fixes, then by mods.
  • somewhat higher than normal learning curve for the game, as it is much more in depth with many more features requiring both a macro scale planning and micro scale control.
  • Starting to play the game will end your social life.

In conclusion

Civ 6 has a very strong lineup of features and is generally very enjoyable, but due to a very annoying fault with the AI, it is somewhat problematic.


  • Don't play even for money
  • Avoid at all costs
  • Buy if 50% off
  • Buy if 33% off
  • Buy with friends
  • Buy for full price
  • Buy immediately
Posted 24 October, 2016. Last edited 24 October, 2016.
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1,665.9 hrs on record (15.5 hrs at review time)
Before I say anything, The 26 hours played on steam is false. I've played this without steam for at least 3 thousand hours.

5 years of playing this game and paying for a VIP subscription is all that needs to be said.
And then again, I've got things to say:

+amazing dungeons
+great community (mostly)
+HUGE variety of builds and character options
+quests have: puzzles, a nice story, good voice acting, huge potential for team play
+rewarding combat system
+intricate and in depth skill and feat trees

-slightly steep skill curve
-the random chinese self healing solo player that ruins your fun
-lots of the really awesome quests either need to be bought, earned using turbine points (free or bought), or earned through VIP. there are also 2 expansions currently, which both also require to be bought even as a VIP, although they are simply spectacular (Update 14 - Menace of the udnerdark, is an amazing and must have expansion, its quite possibly the one expasion everyone needs to have being so awesome.)

pro/con, depends on your preferences:
=quests arent afraid to outright obliterate you if youre unprepared.
=crafting system is incredibly intricate, some like it, some dont.
=need to get over fact that graphics are of an upgraded 7 year old game, although they have withstood the test of time.
Posted 20 December, 2013.
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19.1 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Quite possibly the best simulation game I have ever played. Got all the small details you'd want, and even didnt know you want, does what it promises very well, looks really good, got support for every input method you could imagine, and is even optimised for all of them! got great customization, great mechanics and overall a great feel. If you have even a remote interest in driving simulators, this is a game for you.
Posted 15 December, 2013.
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1 person found this review helpful
7.1 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Very nicely done 3rd person assymetric indie title, the narration is fantastic, and the overall gameplay is ver enjoyable. The storyline is quite great as well, I highly reccomend it!
Posted 27 November, 2013.
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