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張貼於:2023 年 4 月 2 日 下午 10:49
更新於:2023 年 4 月 13 日 下午 12:07

Crytek raised prices for new DLC's(it's worse in countries that do not use dolar/euro) even if these new DLC's have same or even worse content than the old ones, this is crytek new "model" of microtransactions since people still buy it, well... I got mine from a giveaway just to not recommend this one too.

If you want this DLC that much, just try to get for free or for the same price of the old DLC's in some sort of bundle.

If people still think that they need to make money, ask yourself first where this money is going, game still has a lot of Early Access bugs(desync, hit registration, reload bug, yes reload bug exists even after patch 1.12, they claimed to fix it but they actually just bandaid fix, there is just a low chance that happens now and there is so many more bugs), one of the worst things is their servers, each 1~2 months servers get worse, I just refuse to pay overpriced stuff and even more when the devs just doesn't care about quality of game but quantity of DLC's for easy money.
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵