toto_theblack   France
LoL tag: Cpt Delarran
Uplay tag: VaL0RI
RoE tag: VaL0RI
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée/soirée :)
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FoNzY_ITA 28 Jan @ 1:12pm 
as usual the prroblem its developeers that let free kiils for idiots that dont play, just troow 10\20 nades+ 35 reviive each and after or before you will get a lucky kill for have couched in the same corner 45mins, ultra pathetic like your kd, hunt become disgusting trash to let play ppl like you
Edje 27 Jan @ 8:58pm 
In short, this idiot doesn't know how to play hunt, the whole gameplay is "let's sit at the exit." If you are satisfied with this kind of gameplay, go for it, but if your IQ is above a single digit, I don’t recommend it.