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Останні рецензії користувача Virtuous Villein

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
44.1 год. загалом (40.9 год на момент рецензування)
For the first couple of hours, I really loved this game. The tutorial campaign does a great job of making you feel the excitement and desperation surrounding the defense of Cadia. The problems become clear as you progress further in to the first campaign.
There is NO customization of individual ships, only a very bland and simple skill tree that gives small blanket buffs to all of your ships.
The economy is COMPLETELY ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Economic upgrades are ridiculously expensive for the gain they give, and my fleet upkeep exceeds my income, despite the fact that I am literally not strong enough to break through the planet I need to to get to the next system of the campaign.
You have a points limit that prevents you from using all your ships in a confrontation for some reason. Really not sure why. Sure, it goes up as you fight more battles, but it still doesn't really make logical sense. If the main character was so instrumental in the last Black Crusade, he should probably be able to command more than 3-4 ships at a time.
The combat is cool, but why the emphasis on boarding actions? Spamming boarding actions seems to be the only way to win all but the tiniest of battles.
Why can't I dismiss units? would sure be nice to be able to disband my weaker units once I have the ability to make stronger ones so that I can upgrade without my upkeep spiraling even more out of control, maintaining my escort ships which are mostly worthless, and also block me from using my larger ships in battle, since I have no control over which ships I start with in battle and which get arbitrarily left behind because of the stupid points limit, a limit that doesn't apply to the enemy, of course.

Never experienced any technical issues, but my pc is pretty beefy, so I'm not sure how performance would be on a lesser machine.

And I can't speak to the quality of the multiplayer, I haven't played it, and probably never will unless they make some decently significant changes to this game.

I would definitely wait on this game, it shows a fair bit of potential, the only real changes it needs are some tweaks with numbers, and a few quality of life changes, but as the game currently stands it is miserably unfun.
Додано 26 січня 2019 р..
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