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Recent reviews by Pablo Discobar

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2,174.6 hrs on record (1,757.3 hrs at review time)
Hell of a game. Faithful to this til the very end.
Posted 11 December, 2024.
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9,806.5 hrs on record (9,401.5 hrs at review time)
Are you into chess? Are you into mind games? Are you into BDSM? Then this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game is for you! 😈
Posted 19 December, 2022. Last edited 5 January.
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246.0 hrs on record (99.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Getting close to 100 hours and I can say it's been a blast! The game is really fun to get into, the gunplay is solid, it gets action-packed really quickly. The guns feel natural to use especially if you play a lot of shooters, which I love, the pacing can be a bit too fast at times, but that's fine with me. I play both its Co-op and PVP modes so I'll share some of my experience.

Co-op modes! There's Exhibition where you travel along the map with a pseudo-time limit mechanic in Contamination levels that progresses gradually, it gets faster when players get downed or when completing an objective. It gets lower whenever you accomplish Supply Drop sequences and/or getting the Decontamination item from said supply drops, varying in levels. Enemies get harder to deal with as you progress so you really have to take advantage of your Abilities to make things faster. There will be players who like to rush, that's fine, or those who take time to look for hidden Supplies distributed around the map. Some are really only playing to go for kills without helping teammates to revive you (especially if they're using supports such as Pill and Malva) and only using their abilities for themselves. When it happens, the session ends before we even get near the Boss levels. All in all though, the game is really good when you know what you're doing and can execute tasks in the most optimal way you can.

As for PVP, I usually only get Escort and TDM modes, the other ones don't get players that often. It's fast (a bit too fast as for Time-to-kill), reminiscent of Call of Duty games. Abilities sure keep you at an advantage although the Drone for Orbit can get really annoying as they paint a good portion of the map in red, showing everyone where they are. Maybe an adjustment is in order? Hopefully. Though it's personally just a minor con. Shotguns are a different story. It seems to me that there is a saturation of shotgun wielders on the matches that's been queued and I have also used them, they're very strong weapons, very easy to use, that with the amount of corners there are on each map. I'm wondering if these shotguns can get some balance at least in PvP modes. (I'm trying to get past the "I wish to face more rifles and submachine guns" thought but eh, seriously. Shotguns are really good that you wouldn't want to use anything else)

Anyway, new season in about 3 hours as of this time of writing and Season Alpha has been great with rewards I enjoyed, I hope Season Beta also delivers. Or even better! Hopefully this game would get more traction of players, as it is really fun with friends, even more when in Co-Op. I'm excited to see new maps, new bosses, or types of enemies maybe in the future?
It's free, so you don't lose anything from trying it out guys. Peace! Tupac!
Posted 30 November, 2022.
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24.0 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If you like games that make you see your own work progress, then I think this game is worth your time!
Yes, I know my playtime isn't as long as many of you would expect for someone who would try and make a review for a game (I bought this off from the sale) -- but I think I may have absorbed most of the key points of this game.

The title is pretty straightforward, you get to be an architect planning and playing with pixels.
As far as I would know, you can choose between making a soft correctional facility, or a fortress with gulag-ish tendencies, you can build your prison any way you wish -- choose which rooms go after this other room etc etc.

Sometimes riots are bound to happen if you build one hold cell containing inmates more than your guards, so it's best to at least divide them by twos or threes. They are actually funny to watch.
This game is a good time-passer where a few minutes would go as far as hours of gameplay!

It's still an Early Access Game so you would expect bugs that might hinder your overall performance like guards would go back and forth to your inmates dragging them towards their beds for who knows when! It gets pretty annoying as by then you won't be able to open any more of your Jail Doors.

Note that you do have a lot of choices how to build your rooms, one can still get confused between indoor and outdoor spaces especially if you start working on floor pieces.
Another would be whenever you assign one room as a Cell, it gets confusing when you can't use it even though you logically can just because there are walls placed within.

Those are just one of the minor problems you can encounter in the game, hopefully the devs would fix these soon for a more enjoying experience.
Yup, I recommend this game because it's worth your money and time. Get it on sale if you can!
Posted 4 February, 2015.
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226.6 hrs on record (15.5 hrs at review time)
So far one of the best god/city builder simulator and I can say it's better than SimCity in my own opinion. I know, I only got a few gameplay times from this but seriously, it keeps me around. I hardly get bored of this other than get annoyed by the amount of annoying shacks the people build even if there's free housing.

It's actually funny when you start using the nukes and all, embezzle funds and all that. I will keep playing this until failure.
Posted 21 April, 2014.
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69.5 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
So far one of the fastest-paced games out there. It's freakishly fun and diverse! I mean, MEDIC BOMBS!? What's the deal with that? I love this kind of gameplay since Quake 3.
Posted 9 February, 2014.
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61.3 hrs on record (29.5 hrs at review time)
So far I really like the gameplay and its flexibility. Although, I only have a problem with the Zombies' claw attacks because they are long-ranged at times. For example: I smack a zombie, then it recoils, I am already steps away from it when it thrashes its arms and I still get damage! Above all else, me and my friends find this free game worth it, it packs up a lot of realism elements as if you were really in a Zombie Apocalypse. Sorry for the long review, but I am just waiting for the next epic update! Cheers.
Posted 18 January, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries