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Medican 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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11-20/70개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 0.9시간
"I was a scary game once you know! Or at least I think I was."

So YouTubers/streamers were jumping out of their chairs while playing this, huh?


A Girl Fabric Face is a quick low budget indie horror game with an interesting concept trying its best to scare you and convince you to care for the protagonist while failing on both fronts.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

So let's start with the positives. The game at least tries something rather unique and ambitious for a low-budget indie horror game. It tries to tell a touching story. I'm being serious. Instead of running around collecting random items while being chased by SCARY_MONSTER1 bought from the Unity asset store this game tries a more psychological approach. There is no chasing or hiding it's just you in an empty house investigating paranormal activity with the sole goal being to collect enough evidence of said activity and get out. Or at least that's what you think. As you slowly progress through the game the spirits become more and more aggressive trying their best to... scare you. Just scare you. This brings us to the bad stuff. This game is nothing more than a walking simulator with jumpscares thrown at you left and right and they are not even that good nor scary. I completed the whole game without being scared once, ONCE. You just walk around waiting for stuff to trigger so you can continue to the next area to do the same. That's the whole game. It started so well yet at the end it devolved into this boring mess of a game. But at least the plot twist redeemed it a bit I guess. But unfortunately, the story ultimately fell short. It was not interesting and it didn't make me care about the protagonist nor the antagonist. I wanted to 100% the game achievement wise but after completing it once I knew I just didn't care enough to do so.


A Girl Fabric Face tries to do so much yet it sadly fails at almost every aspect. The game is not scary and the second half is not even fun to play. Jumpscares were also present awfully a lot which ultimately made the game feel even cheaper than it already was. The only somewhat redeeming qualities were the beginning of the game, the plot twist, and the price. The only reason I won't give a thumb down is because people who are easily scared will probably find this game entertaining.

2021년 5월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 1월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
~ survivor after being hit by the Tricksters power

Where did we go so wrong?

Did we deserve this? After a month of waiting for this chapter to drop nothing improved. This killer is just straight-up bad. He's a worse version of another killer which is Huntress. I don't understand who came up with an idea for a 110% killer that has to hit survivors 8 times with his power to take away 1 health state while the hit meter starts to regress if he doesn't hit fast enough.
In other words. His power is useless 90% of the time because most of the time you get to use it you could just M1 anyway. Also his "Main Event" ultimate is F- tier at best and is even more useless than his normal power. I would argue it hurts you when you use it rather than helps you.

What bothers me the most though is the fact that all this was a problem 4 weeks back yet the devs changed nothing and I mean it. Once again the community feedback was completely ignored. Instead, the developers focused on nerfing the addons that made the killer a bit better which is laughable at this point.

This whole chapter while visually great feels like one big spit to the face of the community. I'm slowly starting to lose hope for Behaviour. As of right now, I cannot recommend this chapter.

2021년 3월 30일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 1월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
"Dude, you dropped Outlast into my Evil Within!"


Outlast but worse. DLC is heavily inspired by stealthy horror games such as Outlast but worse in almost every way. At least the soundtrack and story were good.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

In this DLC we take the role of Juli Kidman during the first half of the main game. But instead of the game continuing as a stealth/3rd person shooter hybrid it strips us of any means to defend ourselves and transforms the whole experience into full-on survival horror. While at first, I was quite excited for such a change I started to slowly regret it. The whole thing is nothing more than us being stuck in a small space with an enemy that has a pre-set path. All we have to do is distract them and then sneak past them into the next room which is either a long walk with some story, an easy puzzle, or the same thing.

Even the boss fight was quite boring since it was nothing more than sneaking behind them to attack them 3 times. But to be fair I can look past all that since they at least made it a bit more intense by adding heartbeat and making Juli curl up in fear when behind a cover as the enemy approaches.

However, I can't look past how horribly the main game mechanics work the concept of survival horror. For example, when the enemy spots us, running is pointless because we can only run for maybe 4 seconds so the enemy is always catching up. The cover and lure systems were ok. Nothing special but they did the job. The flashlight on the other hand was probably one of the worst flashlights I have ever seen in a horror game to date. It had a very short range so we could only see maybe 8 feet ahead of us which made the DLC very frustrating to play. The next problem was the fact that the game is 3rd person which in itself is a problem if the game is all about tight spaces and stealth. The final problem was with the new enemies.

There were only 2 new enemies introduced and only one of them was used in the DLC at all. The other one showed up only once as a legitimate thread which is just sad. Even worse when they were the enemy with a better design in my opinion who fitted the whole atmosphere much better. The only real saving grace for me was how much this DLC expanded Judi's background and what was happening to her while we were mowing down enemies as Sebastian in the main game.


The Assignment DLC tried something different but sadly struggled to pull it off most of the time. While there were some truly intense moments and it was refreshing to finally see a more stealthy approach instead of just run n' gun the repetitiveness caught up way too quickly. The only saving grace for this DLC was how much it expanded on Judi's background and what was happening to her during the first half of the main game.

2021년 3월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 1월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 61.7시간 (평가 당시 40.4시간)
A great game with beautiful surreal settings, some clunky controls, and a dash of mediocrity.

First of all, I really enjoyed this game and I regret that it took me almost 7 years to finally fully play it.


The Evil Within is a quite unique story-driven game with a great atmosphere, fun gameplay, mostly good enemy design, and a killer soundtrack.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

The game starts off as a kind of a stealth/3rd person shooter hybrid which was a great choice in my opinion. It keeps the beat of mixing horror with action up until Chapter 6. That's where I noticed that the game is slowly changing focus. It was no longer really focused on horror but rather on full-on action. Even the whole tone of the game changed. Sadly in the worst possible way and that's by making the whole chapter take place during the day. Luckily I was pleasantly surprised that the very next chapter went back to the horror roots and even stronger than before. Everything went well for a while up until suddenly a tragedy strikes, Chapters 11 and 12. Those two chapters were by far the worst time I had while playing the game. They threw away everything that made the game unique and transformed it into a boring generic 3rd person shooter. I mean sure there were some good highlights but the bad stuff was simply too overwhelming. It also didn't help that they had the worst boss fight in the whole game which was a shame since it had a great design. After those travesties called chapters the game finally fully tapped into a more surreal experience which was once again a great choice. Too bad it only lasted for 3 chapters since the game has 15. The ending was also pretty good I only didn't like the fact that it was too open and kinda sequel baiting.


While The Evil Within is overall a great game it sometimes struggled to find its own identity. It also didn't help that some chapters felt like they were just a cheap filler to get more playtime out of players. Bosses were mostly alright, with really only one being meh and one being an absolute bomb. The ending was also not too bad but a bit too open for my taste.

2021년 3월 1일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 1월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
I'm seriously quite disappointed with this chapter.

While yes, I'm having a decent enough time with the new killer it's unreal how many bugs BHVR let slide this time . Even worse most of them were present in the PTB which was 3 weeks ago. Some of them are even game-breaking such as Victor getting stuck in the ground after being unbound meaning he's useless for the next minute or so in a game that is all about time, Victor not making any sounds while he's on someone's shoulder making it nearly impossible to track, or Victor not jumping after charging his pounce yet being vulnerable meaning he can be kicked and killed.
Also, there are some broken animations like after jumping on someone with Victor he never stays on their shoulders but keeps floating in the air near them, or after being killed he starts floating near Charlotte. Even his main menu animation is broken.

All this mixed up with unnecessary nerfs to already weak perks I just really can't recommend this chapter right now and I'm seriously disappointed with BHVR overall.

ps: There is a huge chance for you to freeze for a long time/forever when you try to grab survivor near Victor or when you try to pounce near Charlotte. Also, when survivor manages to get to an exit gate you're supposed to be able to grab them if Victor is still on them while you knock them down. Yeah that doesn't work either.

pps: Some people can still work on gens while Victor is on them making him even more useless.
2020년 12월 1일에 게시되었습니다. 2020년 12월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.9시간
This game changed my life and made me nut while doing so.


I mean seriously what else is there to say? It's an asset flip joke of a game not even worth a full-on review.
2020년 8월 30일에 게시되었습니다. 2021년 3월 1일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
Pyramid Head want's you to go to Gulag!

But yeah overall a good DLC that is worth the money. The killer is ok strong, perks are meh and the survivor is just a skin.
2020년 6월 16일에 게시되었습니다. 2021년 3월 1일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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67명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
49명이 이 평가가 재미있다고 함
기록상 333.3시간 (평가 당시 7.8시간)
Update (02/22/20):
Takže, kvůli RDR2 jsem si updatoval celý pc, hra už tedy jede v pořádku a zmíněný bug už se také neobjevil. Příběh je skvělý, ale Online je momentálně kvůli hackerům a modderům docela ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Mám kliku, že osobně jsem za celou dobu hraní narazil pouze na 4 hackery/moddery, kteří měli zájem o to mi zkazit požitek ze hry.

Originální recenze (12/08/19):
Na hru jsem se ohromně těšil, ale prozatím ji nemůžu doporučit. Nevím, jestli jsem sám ale mám podivný bug, který nastaví všechny textury na největší low, že hra vypadá jako Half Life a at' přenastavuji co chci, nikdy se nic nezmění.

Optimalizace také není nijak fenomenální.
Sice nemám zase tak silný PC ale hru bych měl utáhnout alespoň na medium detaily se stabilními 60 fps. Místo toho má hra obrovské nonstop skoky mezi 20-55 fps.

Recenzi upravím až vyjde nějaký fix na ten bug textur, nebo alespoň patch na optimalizaci. Zatím je pro mě hra nehratelná, což mě velice mrzí.
2019년 12월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2020년 2월 22일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 3.1시간
A Story About My Uncle

Tuto hru jsem sledoval už nějaký ten pátek, hodně se mi líbila, ale pořád jsem se neměl k tomu si jí pořídit. Teprve až nedávno, když byla zdarma jsem se rozhodl jí vyzkoušet a mohu říci, že je to jedna z nejlépe vypadajících her co znám. Atmosfera levelů je opravdu úžasná, modely atd. jsou krásně vymodelované.
Jediná škoda je, že hra je opravdu krátká (dokončeno za 3h a to jsem se zdržoval prozkoumáváním) což docela ublížilo příběhu, protože dle mého bylo ve hře ještě tolik věcí, které se dali prozkoumat, nebo zůstali nevysvětlené, že jsem se až divil, že už je konec. Gameplay ujde, na hraní není nic težkého a skoro celou hru děláte to samé, jenom občas dostanete nějakou novou mechaniku, ale jinak je core gameplay pořád to samé. Hře taky docela chybí nějaké to drama, nebo alespoň nějaké to nebezpečí, protože váš jediný nepřítel je doslova pád, nic víc.

Hra ušla. Byla sice trochu krátká, ale i tak se opravdu povedla. Hru bych ohodnotil 8/10 a chci sequel.
2019년 1월 15일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 1월 15일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.1시간
Co k této hře dodat? Nápad je pěkný. Jste zloděj, který vykrádá domy, když nejsou majitelé doma, ale tentokrát se setkáte s domem, ve kterém straší...bububu. Inu jak jsem již psal, nápad je to opravdu pěkný, ale to provedení je prostě meh. Graficky se hra nemá za co stydět, na indie titul se vývojáři opravdu vytáhli, i když je hra opravdu špatně optimalizovaná.
Ale ted' už k věci. Budeme nyní ignorovat fakt, že hrajete za nejzakrslejšího zloděje, který kdy žil a místo toho se přesuneme opravdovým problémům.

Problém 1.
Nevím, jestli je to tak vývojář/i chtěli, ale hra vám ze začátku neřekne vůbec nic a tím nic myslím opravdu nic. Úkol? meh..., herní mechanika? meh... prostě, tohle je jedna z nejzásadnějších věcí, kterou potřebujete vědět a ne, ani v průběhu hry se nic nedozvíte.

Problém 2.
Navážeme trošku na první problém. Ano, hra přišla s trošičku novou herní mechanikou, ale když vám dojde, že hra si zakládá na tom, že nosíte věci do auta, zatímco se snažíte nekýchnout, aby vás duch nezaslechl to je podle mě docela slabé a hodně nezáživné.

+ a -
+ pěkná grafika
+ docela dobrý nápad

- optimalizace
- hra je hodně repetetivní
- hra vám nic nevysvětlí

Je vidět, že vývojář/i se snažili, ale celkový požitek ze hry není nic moc, moje očekávání hra nesplnila 3,5/10
2018년 5월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 5월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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11-20/70개 항목을 표시 중