Riga, Latvia

"I accidentally came in my sister during a job interview" - Chai
Не в сети
Just some info

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    Basic stuff I guess
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Name: Arseni (or Ari, whichever)
Age: 22
Relationship: Taken
Discord: plot_2145
Favourite drinks: Water, any tea, and apple juice
Favourite colour: Purple
Hobbies: Exercising, rock climbing, fishing, photography, cosplay, and archery
Music: Metal, jazz, and historical recreational music

God's strongest warrior
My depression tells me I'm worthless, but my schizophrenia tells me I am the chosen one
I hate the ATO and paying taxes, I am also wanted by the CIA, FBI, and the ASIO
I am wanted in almost all countries for domestic terrorism

I love studying history, linguistics, and religions
I thoroughly enjoy civilisation and have an unhealthy obsession with Rome :/
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
Griffith's true ending
7 5
Любимая группа
Church of Sol - Открытая группа
Praise Sol ok.
в игре
в сети
В чате
Витрина предметов
llydian 16 мин. назад 
Time to hydrate with me
Iris_Wires 3 ч. назад 
am i
Ari 3 ч. назад 
I'll get you preggers
vro got the ops preggers
Ari 5 ч. назад 
Sorry guys I got preggers :3