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Senaste recensioner av Ulurz

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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
15.2 timmar totalt (5.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Scary enough the game is very simple and can be awfully unfair at times but with friends this game is just the absolute funniest which is why I have to up vote my only issue is the top of the maps is a trap zone and it sucks when all the items spawn up there but otherwise great game feels like a game id play as a kid <3 <3
Upplagd 4 juni 2022.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
51.5 timmar totalt (32.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Quite simple but found it fun with friends to survive and build until it all crumbles from the breaking of one wall :') wish it had some new content though or even another ending to be possible for a little extra freedom in choice but overall enjoyable either way
Upplagd 22 mars 2022.
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1,020.1 timmar totalt (903.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Almost any wallpaper you can imagine! and if its not there just try uploading one yourself using workshop features of course. I find it easy to navigate the different features and flip through filters gives a large variety of what can be done with a background some that you can interact with or pander around on which i thought was absolutely wonderful to be added. Lastly the wallpapers seem to run smoothly even have volume some of them so if your in one of your anime addictions just go right ahead and search for it I've found most of mine on here myself!
Upplagd 22 mars 2022.
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19.6 timmar totalt (17.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The game has very nice graphics a lot of detail was added that i can see of and overall runs nicely but aside from that the game play is nothing short of as spooky as you would want it to be with a nice mix of some gore + nudity. A lot of games i find fail to really get me interested in the story especially with horror games but this one had quite a few twists that kept me interested to wanna see what'll happen next. A nice feature added is also the option to censor or not so if your a little more freaked out by seeing the more 18+ side you can still enjoy a nice scary game without worrying about seeing something disturbing to your eyes. Lastly I wanted to mention the fact this game is so creative by having the switch between worlds and how it has other worldly powers to keep you included in some challenge in a way very nice touch totally enjoyable probably one of my favorite games that i own so far.
Upplagd 22 mars 2022.
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22.0 timmar totalt (3.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It Takes Two has to be one of my favorite co-op games ever played and that's because it has a different kind of thinking its not just a logical puzzle game its not set with just one set of tools or power up its has multiple where you have to think outside the box sometimes and really play to your tools strengths. A nice feature is the friend pass because the game can be a bit pricey if your buying for two people so personally it was nice knowing the creators thought about the community and all. Something though that really drew me to this game was that the story starting off kinda lures you in to wanna know how this will end. you may think yeah this is just gonna be a make up scene at the end but that's not all that's so interesting the cut scenes throughout give a crazy adventure that you couldn't even imagine its unrealistic and absolutely wild. This game is full of colors and variety no lack in the team work department so definitely lives up to its reputation.
Upplagd 22 mars 2022.
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10.7 timmar totalt (6.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Game starts out pretty simple letting you get the feel for the puzzles and different things that can be done but as you go on it seems a lot more challenging whether your with or without friends the games a fun mind bending experience. Multiplayer is also another fun factor I'd say because it requires communication and you can get more done at once but on the other hand it doesn't help when your friend forget they're holding last item needed (barbie) in any case it's all around fun with nice design great ideas and cool backgrounds involved try it out if your into puzzles for sure!
Upplagd 3 februari 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
24.8 timmar totalt (3.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
One of the cutest games I have ever played! The game contains combat but can still be relaxing quite a lot once you get into the basics! but the thing I love most is I don't actually have to keep doing the quests to get anywhere in the game if I wanted I'm perfectly free to adventure and hunting on my own find some recipes do some building before continuing the story. Game runs nice very beautiful and all around my favourite now! (even though josh was vv mean >.>)
Upplagd 30 januari 2022.
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10.9 timmar totalt (1.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Only started but enjoying the game because its very calming and the music is a vibe. Pets can be really needy but its nothing out of control so far and when i'm kinda bored of that I take time to relax and fish maybe even do some bug catching. The bar on the bug catching is quite insane but i guess its just more of a challenge or well at least until you unlock the better ones! for a free game this is quite fun and a nice way to fill some time so I'd recommend it nothing to lose
Upplagd 21 januari 2022.
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63.9 timmar totalt (30.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Stardew Valley is a very slow paced game to begin with but it still keeps me personally interested because you have such limited time for the day with many things you could be doing or working on. From fishing for money to exploring the mines even foraging It can be difficult to always do everything i want which keeps me interested to finish it the next day. to keep things different every once in a while though they have events that are normally twice a month asking you to prepare for and enjoy. Lastly my personal favourite part of the game is the adventure free play of it there's no objective you need to do for say on time you can relax and maybe focus on cooking one day then a quest the next which i really quite enjoy.
Upplagd 3 januari 2022.
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152.0 timmar totalt (101.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
I have found golf it as one of my most favourite games because of the experiences I've had playing it. Me and my friend often play this together and its always fun because there is a wide variety of maps you can download from trolls to luck or even pure skill its all there. Another reason though why I enjoy this is its easy to figure out they didn't make the editor to hard to understand in case you wanna make a map and overall is a nice layout for trying to find what you want. Great quality and very pretty only thing is some maps can tend to lag if to much has been added in.
Upplagd 20 december 2021.
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Visar 11–20 av 22 poster