Br1 AV 25 Jun @ 10:54pm 
I just found out you passed away........
we used to play overwatch daily in 2016 - 2017 and I met you as "Terrible"
I had a lot of fun playing with you and the others.
You were one of my best friends and you were the person I played the most with during those years.
And while I didn't contact you again until December 2022, I had a lot of fun playing TF2 one last time with you bro.
Rest in peace.
Pariah 15 Jun @ 7:18pm 
Rest in power
Orphan Crippler 1 Apr @ 9:13pm 
Yeah. It has.
Glad to see you're still around.
Burger 1 Apr @ 7:50pm 
Hey big chief.
It’s been one helluva year.
Orphan Crippler 31 Mar @ 10:41pm 
Can't believe it's been an entire damn year. So much has happened, so much has changed.
I can still remember everything so clearly. Every single bit. Crying in the bathroom at work when Rookie and Ben told me and then being hugged by my co-workers, trying to comfort me.

I still have those videos of us and everyone. I still have those posters from Gmod. I still remember when Gaymurr introduced you to me. We clicked. And then after a long while, I introduced you to the others.

I'm not breaking that promise anytime soon. Rest easy man, and thank you for being such an amazing friend to me.
Pariah 28 Mar @ 4:02pm 
April 1st 2023 was the day my world went deaf and the news came to me changing everyone I always miss you and always wish you where there to just hold me and tell me it'll be okay but I'm doing what I can it's what you atleast would of told me I'm sorry for all my ♥♥♥ ups with everything that happened but we miss you dearly and hope your in a better place where ever you may be with JD
Burger 28 Mar @ 3:42pm 
It's funny, I used to always considered him my younger brother even though he was about a year older. Miss that kid to death...
Mirnix 28 Mar @ 2:52pm 
Shocking it's been almost a year. It's been lonely without you. You'll always be the older brother to me.
DoucheBagDave 28 Mar @ 2:48pm 
Something Tells Me He's Waving At Us From The Pearly Gates...
Burger 28 Mar @ 2:41pm 
It has been a long year.
Wish you were here, dear friend.
Grognak 28 Mar @ 2:35pm 
It's been a long year. I miss you.
Burger 1 Mar @ 12:41pm 
Still thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers, Cerrin.
Mirnix 1 Jan @ 3:00pm 
Happy new year bro. Wish you were here to drink with me for it, love ya
Eat My Heals 1 Jan @ 9:05am 
Happy New Year Cerrin, I love and miss you <3
HarleyIsntReal 24 Oct, 2023 @ 1:01am 
every day i wish you were still here.
Orphan Crippler 8 Oct, 2023 @ 5:44am 
I still find myself looking at your profile from time to time. I still grieve for you months after your death. I still find different ways to honor you. I hope you're proud of me for graduating high school.

I remember sitting at my desk crying for you. I typed these letters anytime I would think about you or wanted to talk to you and just tell you about my day or things going on. I thought you would see them somehow.

I feel much better than I was months ago at the start of the summer. You'd enjoyed meeting Green, Skrub, and Apple. Same with Reagan, Slayer, Mael, and Zeni. I did meet another person who reminds me a bit of you. I'll be there for her and any of my other friends.

I'm going to continue living on for you. No matter how bad things get in life or how hard it gets, I will continue to move on. That's a promise I won't break. If you can, watch over me a little bit longer just to enjoy the laughter.
DoucheBagDave 25 Aug, 2023 @ 6:36pm 
Pouring Some Vino For Him
Mirnix 25 Aug, 2023 @ 6:15pm 
Lighting a smoke for him
HarleyIsntReal 25 Aug, 2023 @ 3:18pm 
love you bro having a drink for you
Mirnix 25 Aug, 2023 @ 12:20pm 
It's hard to enjoy things sometimes going through this time and time again when you aren't even 20 yet. Thank you for the supportive words, Doc. We all appreciate it. I know Cerrin was more than lucky to have a kind friend like you in his life from everything he always told me.
Burger 25 Aug, 2023 @ 11:17am 
Happy birthday my old friend.
We all most certainly miss you.
Thank you everyone for commenting such heartfelt words, I know this is not easy for you all but know that if he was here today he'd very much appreciate and love every single word you have typed.
Today is a Friday and the weekend is upon us, just remember that he would've wanted us to spend it well.
TUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25 Aug, 2023 @ 8:10am 
I came to comment happy birthday. We met in a dustbowl match years ago. Didn't knew he died. We weren't that close but i had so much fun playing with him. Rest in Peace friend.
Pariah 25 Aug, 2023 @ 8:07am 
Happy birthday. I know we were never close. I just hope you found the peace you were looking for. We all miss you.
Eat My Heals 25 Aug, 2023 @ 5:06am 
Happy Birthday Cerrin. I love and miss you so much. There's not a day I don't think about you and wish I could just talk with you one last time.
DoucheBagDave 24 Aug, 2023 @ 11:33pm 
You're Becoming A Fading Memory And I Hate It, When You Left This World I Wasn't Here For You Or Anything Of The Sort, I Was At An Abusive Correctional Facility For 10 Months And When I Returned I Had Not Realised You Were Gone Until I Saw All The Comments, The Affects Of The Straight Up Oppression I Faced At That Correctional Facility Have Made It Very Hard For Me To Cherish Things, Especially My Past And My Ability To Remember Fond Times With People As My Best Way I Cope With Things Is To Forget Things And In Doing So Forgetting Major Parts Of My Past, I Know I Played With You Lots And We Had Fun But My Mind No Longer Has Anything To Present Me With In My Mind To Let Me Remember Exactly What We Did And The Time We Spent Together, I Hate It So, I Want To Remember You Better But I Realise You're Just A Fading Memory. I'm Sorry I Wasn't There, And I'm Sorry That I Have Forgotten Who You Were To Me. I Hope You're Grazing Among The Clouds In Heaven Ragazzo. Forgive Me.
Mirnix 24 Aug, 2023 @ 11:09pm 
Happy birthday. I wish you were still here. I love you lots. I still miss you every day. You were the older brother I never had.
mori ΘΔ (Dead PC) 30 Jul, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
You're forever in my mind man.
IgnisNuts 5 Jul, 2023 @ 9:32am 
Wherever you are at bro, let's play some Black Ops 2 again sometime. Peace homie.
Athazar 29 Jun, 2023 @ 6:23pm 
There is no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way. I never knew or heard he died. I didn't hear a single thing about any of this and I feel incredibly ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up that I'm only finding out about this now, months after it happened. I knew he was troubled, I heard of him having issues in real life especially involving his family. I wish I could've helped him. I wish there was something I could've done to help him beyond our screens.

I rarely ever got to talk to him before it happened due to all kinds of things getting in the way of both of us, like personal drama involving others and random IRL things. Rarely ever got to play with him at all. Yet the times we did spend together were great. And so were the times we spent with all our friends back in the good old days, ever since the beginning of our friendship as a whole. Ever since 2016 with everyone else I knew. You truly were one of the people I cared about the most and I'm so sorry that I never got to truly tell you that. Rest well, Cerrin...
DoucheBagDave 22 Jun, 2023 @ 10:20pm 
If your dead Amico, then I suppose I’ll be seeing you soon
mori ΘΔ (Dead PC) 22 Jun, 2023 @ 6:53pm 
I still think about you man, all the memories we made in garry's mod and all the dumb times we had, I still regret not telling you that i still cared about you after everything. Rest easy buddy.
DoucheBagDave 14 Jun, 2023 @ 1:37pm 
Wait Did He Kill Himself? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I Thought He Was Just Taking A Break
King Halfi Bedalfi 10 Jun, 2023 @ 9:48am 
It feels strange, leaving a comment here, for the first time ever. For I while I felt unsure of whether I even should, considering how we were barely even friends. Figured maybe it'd be seen as a pitiful attempt at scoring points from those who really knew you.

But it doesn't matter. You were part of my life, albeit a very small part of it. And I remember you. That's what matters. You deserve to be remembered and commemorated.

Had I known things would've turned out like this... There are things I would've done differently. I wish I'd left more comments and been around you longer, before disregarding you as merely a person not meant for me and parting ways with you. I wish I'd given you the time of day and reassured you that you were both heard and seen.

I don't know if it would've changed anything... I'm told it's best not to blame oneself in tragedies like these. But I know it would've meant a lot to you.
You mattered a lot to a lot of people.
Mirnix 9 Jun, 2023 @ 3:02pm 
I miss him as well. I’m sorry, Cerrin. I should have done better. My life feels so empty now without you.
Burger 9 Jun, 2023 @ 8:30am 
I miss him too.
HarleyIsntReal 9 Jun, 2023 @ 3:20am 
I miss you a lot. I'm sorry.
DoucheBagDave 7 Jun, 2023 @ 10:28pm 
I Will Be Awaiting Your Return, Donna.
Trollineer 31 May, 2023 @ 5:57am 
2 months offline
Masquerading Dredge 6 May, 2023 @ 9:09pm 
6 years ago I met you and you changed my life forever. Halo, Gears of War, Overwatch, D&D and it all started on chance tf2 encounter. I'll miss him every day for the rest of my life, Cerrin you were the best friend someone could ask for you touched many people you weren't always the best but you were trying. I am sorry that I was asleep when you sent that message I could've done something anything. But it doesn't matter now. Like everyone else here I'll miss you forever thank you for talking to me every day, thank you for the goofy memories thank you for all the halo runs, thank you for the sfm stuff and thank you for just being you. Rest in peace forever spartan.
yee 20 Apr, 2023 @ 8:45pm 
Rest In peace to the worlds best Ahri main i bet hes getting all the pentakills up there
Eat My Heals 12 Apr, 2023 @ 7:32am 
I miss you every day. I keep replaying every memory we have together over and over again. You were so exceptional and more important than you thought. So many people cared about you. I love and miss you man. I just hope you are in peace.
scrump! 11 Apr, 2023 @ 9:34pm 
Not sure I knew what to say, until now. For a time I talked to you almost daily, its been years since then but you never changed much at your core, I felt. You always seemed like an exceptionally good person, just trying to do your best. I know we didn't talk nearly as much after those years but, the few times we chatted, I always remarked about how nice it was to talk to you. I'm gonna miss you a lot, and I'll sing in your memory. I hope if there's anything out there, its something good, just for you. I hope you find that.
Aeropinz 3 Apr, 2023 @ 3:58pm 
You were an amazing friend and I'm gonna cherish all the times we spent together. Rest easy, buddy.
Shy Guy 3 Apr, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
A True Spartan At heart. I'll never forget our time in reach and the laughs we've had I'll never forget them. Rest Well Cerrin....
Loose Pitbull 3 Apr, 2023 @ 1:21am 
A real one and a good friend, wish it could have been Best Friends. Rest well.
Analbreacher 3 Apr, 2023 @ 1:06am 
Hey, I didn't know you super well but from the few times I talked to you, we had a good time. I'm glad I met you through r4bb1t, and whenever I play and stream anything resembling a first person shooter I'll try to go for trickshots just for you. Wish I got to know you better and despite not having much contact with each other, wish I got to know you better. Rest easy Cerrin.
Mirnix 3 Apr, 2023 @ 12:55am 
It’s hard to say everything you feel about someone in a short summary. Especially when you’ve known them for years, there's so much I could share. Some of my fondest memories playing games is me, you and your brother all doing late night ODST campaign runs. I wish we all got to finish that forge world one day. Or our giant Minecraft base (the pets will be fed, don't worry.) I know you cared for me deeply, you showed it to me and so many others. And I hope you felt how much we all cared for you. You had a good heart that you showed to us all even through your suffering, it’s something me and everyone else here knows fully well. You were a complicated guy with a lot of layers. But once you let that personality shine, it was impossible to not see and respect the creative, witty character you had. You were one of a kind, and I’m glad I got to be your close friend. Rest in peace. I will miss you, as many more will too. I hope you’ve found the peace this world failed to give you.
HarleyIsntReal 2 Apr, 2023 @ 3:53pm 
I hope you're in a better place now with Nanny. Mom is here now and she's been nonstop crying since she found out. Dad has been trying to hold it together, but its hard for him, and all of us. I've never seen him cry before. His eyes looked so distraught and it hurt to look at. JD doesn't seem to know what happened, but I'll try my hardest to take care of him.

Mom and dad picked out very pretty urns for you. We're going to bring you some nice flowers soon. Mom took your jacket and says she's going to see you tomorrow when the funeral home calls her. Dad is going to leave your room the way you left it. I hope your friends are okay too.

To whoever called the police that night; Thank you.
MysticalSniperz 1 Apr, 2023 @ 10:17pm 
Spartans never die, They're just missing in action.

Rest In Peace Cerrin
mori ΘΔ (Dead PC) 1 Apr, 2023 @ 4:23pm 
♥♥♥♥ man, I know we never really saw eye to eye on stuff and through everything part of me still cared about you man. I wish I could have atleast told you that before we lost you.