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4 people found this review helpful
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3.6 hrs on record
I think Generation Zero is alright but it's missing content. The whole '80s Sweden setting is convincing and well done but after an hour of game play it is already getting repetitive. I have read reviews of people saying they have to avoid the robots because they are hard to destroy and what not but this is not true, if anything the game is to easy because well the AI is just...Let's say the AI must have been an experiment in artificial stupidity.

So the reason it's repetitive is because all you do is walk from A to B and kill a ton of robots on your way, you may wonder well where do you find the guns and ammo to kill all these robots you mention? Well the people in Sweden in the '80s must have had more guns and ammo laying around than the average terrorist because you find ammo in pretty much every second car you search. If you're expecting a survival game scavenging for ammo and stuff to survive then you're going to be disappointed. You will find tons of loot without much effort, the loot also depends on the guns you carry with you. You are more likely to find the ammo type of the gun your holding which makes it even easier.

So that pretty much sums up the game after about 4 hours of game play, Of course 4 hours is nothing so this review may change but I am pretty confident not much will change. I could go in more detail about the little bugs and occasional crashes but I feel like these days every single game has occasional bugs and crashes so not going to base my final recommendation on that, either way I am not recommending the game for the current price of 25 euro's. I do have to mention though that for people that do not game very often, the game may not feel repetitive at all, so if you just need a game that you'll be playing for like an hour per day, then this could actually be a good game for you. However I can't see how anyone could find it fun to play this game in like 3+ hour sessions. This is my opinion, I am glad to see there is people that do in fact enjoy it and find it worth the 25 bucks :).


I have to credit user by the name of "HK-77" for correcting me, I spelled "80's" and of course that is not correct. I apologize to every single person out there, I feel horrible about it. I am glad there is people like HK-77 out there that check spelling and make sure to correct people that leave reviews on Steam, what would the world look like without people like him? Thinking about that gives me the chills, I am glad he is was there for me and hopefully for others. The world need more people like him. Now that I realize what I have done, I feel horrible about it. I mean how could I... I misspelled '80s and thinking about it just make me feel even worse. Again I am sorry.
Posted 6 December, 2019. Last edited 6 December, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
As of right now I do not recommend this game. It's very early in development so it's hard to tell whether this is going to be good or not. I do not judge the game on it's current bugs because it is an alpha game ofcourse. I give it a bad review because the developer made some bad choices if it comes to the AI in the game and the way the spawning works. If the mist shows up you can literally see the AI zombies spawn right in front of you which just looks dumb. The AI behaviour is VERY basic, which is to be expected because coding AI behaviour is very difficult, I didn't look into the game engine the developer is using but it looks like it would be Unreal engine which there is plenty of ways to make an AI smarter then it is right now without spending to much time on coding.

I do love the way the developer did the damage and healing system, well done! I like the fact it has cars and that the map is pretty big, I just hope theres going to be different types of cars and more items to loot because after 3 hours of gameplay I feel like I've already managed to find everything. M16, tactical vest, swat helmet and boots, which I think are basically most important items and ofcourse have a driving car. So as of now it's to easy and get's boring real quick.

I think:

- More items
- Better AI behaviour
- Different types of zombies

would already make this game a whole lot better. But both amount of items and different types of zombies may be added later since it's only alpha.
Posted 27 August, 2018.
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50 people found this review helpful
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45.0 hrs on record (8.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I had played an earlier version of this years ago, it changed a lot since then in a good way. Keeping in mind the game costs 20 bucks I think the game is alright. Not amazing, not bad, just alright. I think 20 bucks is way to much for the current state. There is just not a lot of content just yet and it gets repetitive real quick.

The game has lots of potential and I love what the developer(s) did so far but it's just not worth the 20 bucks. I would recommend buying this on a sale. I will set the review to recommended because the game itself is alright and I am certain the developer will add more content and it is still in alpha state after all.

However I would like for the developer to go down with the price to maybe about 10 bucks is what I think it's worth the way it is right now. Just increase the price on actual release.
Posted 23 May, 2018. Last edited 23 May, 2018.
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13 people found this review helpful
5.4 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Broken right now, joining each other lobbies is impossible, I have managed to get in a friends lobby but then when the game is started my screen turns completely grey and can just move my cursor around.

I would wait with buying this until the developer fixes these game breaking issues.

----- Edit -----

The developer contacted me (super nice guy) and we debugged the issues apperently you have to do some port forwarding to get the lobby joining issue fixed. Port 7777 has to be forwarded on the hosts end. The grey screen is fixed aswel.

I will leave the review on "Bad' until I played thru it atleast once. Because I have to review the game and not the developer.

----- Edit -----

So now that everything works for me, I have finished the game, everything works properly so I am going to set the game to "Recommend" however I do think the game is not worth 10 bucks the way it is right now.

I would spent like 4 - 5 bucks on this.

The idea of the game is awesome and hopefully they will release more maps and stuff soon.
Posted 29 December, 2017. Last edited 30 December, 2017.
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A developer has responded on 29 Dec, 2017 @ 5:55pm (view response)
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88.2 hrs on record (35.1 hrs at review time)
The game is freaking awesome, people these days are just spoiled and expect to much. I mean Techland did a great job, if you look at games as Assassins creed Unity and watchdogs, these games were really broken at release.

Dying light is not broken, yes it has some bugs and it sucks if you have a AMD system and the game won't run properly, but you can't say it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game just because you have a AMD and can't launch the game. I am sure they will release a patch for the AMD people and AMD sucks anyway xD. (JK)


+ Story is alright, not special but alright, kinda like it is with Dead island.
+ Freerunning is awesome
+ The many ways you can kill a zombie and it's totally up to you
+ Really awesome skill tree
+ Graphics are good but I do not consider them Next Gen
+ Map size is excacly right in my eyes, game is based on freerunning so introducing a car in the game would be a bad decision, everything is walkable distance.
+ Side quests are cool lot of variety
+ It has CO-OP
+ While playing COOP you can do lil races against your mates and get points if you win (like a race who gets to the airdrop first, get like 1000 points if ya win). You do not have to participate, you can choose not to and you won't lose anything.
+ The night is awesome, it really is scary ♥♥♥♥ to have these night hunters chase you.

I am sure there is a lot more that is great about the game but I will stop here ^^


- Apperently people on AMD can't play the game properly, I am sure there will be a fix for that soon tho, no reason to dislike the game, just be patient.
- They could have done more with the freerunning, like mirrors edge you could walk sideways on a wall and jump from wall to wall and stuff
- The lips synch is off sometimes
- Tiny map glitches, for instance near a tunnel I found a hole in the ground that goes pretty much endless deep with water, the texture around the hole looks also really messed up.
- They could have thrown in a little more horror elements.
- Maybe make it a lil more survivalish, by getting rid of the mini map where you can see where the nighthunters are walking and what direction they looking at. it's quite easy to get from 1 point to another without getting seen in the night thanks to the minimap, should have made that a lil harder.

other then that it's a great game, I would definitely recommend it.. I mean if you look at other games that got released last year, they really had a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ launch, BF, ASU, Watchdogs, Simcity and fary cry 4... these games all had a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ launch, game breaking bad.... I mean Battlefield had a bug where you couldnt be killed... ASU multiplayer didn't work for like 2 weeks.... watchdogs multiplayer was so buggy, it took forever to get in a server with your friends and then you'd get kicked after like 15 minutes and would have to reconnect again... Simcity, you couldn't even launch the game for the first 2 days.... Far cry 4, had some weird ass texture bug, where the trees and bushes would look messed up.

I mean come on people stop complaining about the fact that the game doesn't work for AMD and just be patient wait for a fix... play it and THEN write a review, majority of people can play it just fine, online works great.

Good job on the game devs :)


For people that have FPS issues, make sure you have vertical synchronization turned OFF.

This should get you like 10-20+ fps.
Posted 29 January, 2015. Last edited 29 January, 2015.
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