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10.4 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 2,277.3 uur in totaal (540.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 22 apr 2020 om 23:39
Gewijzigd: 23 apr 2020 om 5:54

Magic The Gathering Arena and Hearthstone had a baby
And it's magnificent.

Amazing game!
My favorite card arena magic the gathering esque type game.
I come back for it every day.

1. The mechanics are great wonderful - lots of little interesting card abilities and combos you can pull off.
You feel as if you learn something new every day.

2. Card art is great, really pretty and on point with the elder scrolls universe.
I like this style much better than the cartoony Hearthstone style.

3. Card 'physics' feel great, responsive, they drop onto the table with 'weight' to them. Which is super important for card games. Magic The Gathering Arena's 'physics' system feels really slow, cumbersome and crappy in comparison.
Super important for a card game to feel like it's really in your hand and responsive.

4. Collecting - You slowly collect your way through more cards, you don't have to spend real money. There's plenty of events and arenas you can use to gain more in game currency to get packs and such.

5. Voice acting - Each card has it's own unique voice and 'phrase' it says when you drop it. Done really well!

Well, music is pretty boring, I muted it.

Blows Magic The Gathering Arena and Hearthstone out of the water.
It basically combines the best of both of those into one game.
The best card game of the bunch! And it's free!
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