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19.4 h registradas (17.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'm torn - I enjoyed the game but I hated every minute of it.
Between the crashes, and losing weapons, this is an extremely frustrating game.
1) You will randomly crash and have to start back at a checkpoint (sometimes without your weapons)
2) If you leave the game in the middle of a chapter, you will lose your weapons, Chapters took on average 1 hour for us so you have to decide every hour if you are gonna play another.
3) If you die at any point you lose your weapons from anywhere. So I start a Chapter, get a weapon, reach a checkpoint, die, and I can never get that weapon again because I am at a checkpoint AFTER where I got the weapon. You can restart the chapter if you really want it, but that's about it.

I did enjoy the game, but random crashes that ruin progress, and almost never being able to save weapons is pretty infuriating.
Publicada el 13 de abril de 2020.
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