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Yayınlanma: 9 May 2019 @ 19:34
Güncellenme: 9 May 2019 @ 19:45

This game has impacted me on a deep 4th dimensional level. It has a very deep representation of the battle between feminism and the lost masculinity of men in our society. The playable character, a blond, well endowed, and tanned skinned woman represents the ideal vision of a woman in American culture. Because this woman is the one you are in control of, she can be used as an analogy that feminist women are the ones in control.

The other characters you will encounter in the game are white men wearing business attire that can only walk back and forth in a linear path. At first, I thought these men were just obstacles in my way preventing me from achieving my goals. I soon realised, however, that they were more than that. They were in my way because they opposed feminism. Their movement patterns were used as a way to convey their resistance towards the feminist movement. The biggest hint to this is what happens when they touch your character. Your character doesn't just figuratively die, no, rather the men are reclaiming their masculinity and finally regaining their prescience in this feminist dominant world.

All of these hidden meanings to the actions performed in this game amazed me. Never before have I seen a game in this industry that tries to philosophically teach these meanings to me in such a masterful way that it is incorporated into the actual gameplay without being distracting. If you are on the fence about this game, I cannot recommend it enough. It made me feel things that no other game on the market has done before. It taught me that videogames are more than just entertainment, but that they can also be forms of art. I thank the developers of Hentai 3018 for opening my eyes and giving me one of the deepest experiences I have ever had in my 15+ years of gaming.
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4 Yorum
lopte0 11 Tem 2019 @ 19:48 
Oh boy, I am wondering if I should be scared, or excited about these. I never stated I was a High IQ, But thank you for saying that. I wish you luck?
Spooky Boo~ky 11 Tem 2019 @ 17:30 
Your comment has inspired me to make reviews that target higher IQ intellectuals such as yourself, so tune in next time for a very special review where we talk about the male agenda. :)
lopte0 8 Tem 2019 @ 18:43 
I don't know what the hell you are talking about, the game is simple, and they are not trying to prove anything, but make a damn video game. But no, you guys ruin everything. Coming in with the IQ of a dead snail. You legit said in your comment That a man pacing in his room, is opposing women. Like shut the fuck up, the only reason anyone would be sexist is because of pigs like you hating on men, and making no fucking sense about a simple 2D game. I know this is toxic, but nothing about this game is anything related to feminism, or oppression or anything. Please think before you act.
Spitzhorneule 7 Tem 2019 @ 8:26 
Dont you think someone here could be a little bit sarcastic?