Michael Courtney   Ngamiland, Botswana
Jesus Christus is Koning en Hoë Priester vir ewig en altyd!
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Boer who has his own little Bokkie :cozytf2mug:
This Boer also has his own Aartappeltjie:steamhappy:
Writer / Reader / Book collector / Boxing / Bicycles / Gardening

Destaque de artes
1 1
KVK | Cresco 8/dez./2023 às 4:40 
Thank you.
starbØrn 20/nov./2023 às 5:59 
Thank you very much, mutually. :)
starbØrn 20/nov./2023 às 3:19 
Yes, sure. :)
oDaito 8/nov./2023 às 10:00 
try this on windows 14/out./2023 às 23:43 
isaiah 41 10
Eylof 7/out./2023 às 3:53 
XD baie van hulle is ja maar nie almal van ons is nie