“Believe in yourself. Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.” - Kamina
I Do Cocaine 16/mai./2024 às 21:38 
roxycherry 26/jul./2022 às 13:30 
cool guy
roxycherry 16/ago./2021 às 7:22 
uhav                _____
     visited        /::r―-v―-、ヽ、
 been            {!/:::/`
      by the    /:::::::l、_    ,ィ   _,ィ
nice         _,...::'::´ヽ:::::::::〈´:::::_二二:ニ=-一'′
 beetle   ,....::'´::::|::::. .::::{_::::::rイ ̄
  ,.ィク=/;::::'´  .:ヽ::::::::::::::厂 l{
_,.ィク´//::::::::::::::::::_冫、_/  ヽ、
  /:/:::::::::::::::_;::-イ!  ヾ:、
  ヽ::::::::;;::‐'ィク  l:|   ヾ:、
     ̄  〃    l:|     `ヾ:、
      .〃     |:!      ⌒ that's it
       {{  have a nic day