Trick 18 de set. às 6:27 
The horrors, waffle! THE HORRORS!
oog 18 de set. às 2:14 
Laugh at this loser !!!
undercooked waffle 17 de set. às 20:37 
y is it the end?
Wablusmeed |HM| 14 de set. às 13:16 
Trick 14 de set. às 11:29 
That's just about everything you can mutter, isn't it? I figured. Hang your head in shame and don't bother with MvM anymore. If you need 2 hours for an entire Oil Spill mission, I don't even want to imagine you on advanced let alone expert. The thought alone is frightening.
Wablusmeed |HM| 14 de set. às 11:12 
Trick 14 de set. às 11:05 
@Wablusmeed |HM|
So you managed to beat an Oil Spill mission after 2 hours. The jokes write themselves lol. The fact that you proudly proclaim this without a hint of embarrassment...
Snuuut 14 de set. às 10:39 
Sooooo... Trick my incredibly obedient puppet who just once again showed an absolutely remarkable and never seen before display of pure submissive obedience, by doing absoluuuuutely EXACTLY what your god predicted with an unnatural ease, now the point has come where you would be forced to switch to another coping mechanism, but nah nah... your god commands you to keep riding that same cope train where you desperately try to use the number of comments in order to make desperate attempts to distract from the sheer inhuman torture that you suffer for weeks now :may:

We are now about 2 weeks in and 20 pages of your comment section in which your god severely cornered you and demolishes you on a daily basis... let loose all hope sweetheart, cuz we're only scratching the surface of what torture is yet to come :D

This will go on for YEARS... i promise ;)
Wablusmeed |HM| 14 de set. às 10:17 
Update: we beat the round and I got a backburner
Trick 14 de set. às 9:31 
No you didn't lol
Wablusmeed |HM| 14 de set. às 9:29 
we beat the mann up round without you :)
Trick 13 de set. às 18:06 
And we did it! This week's milestone has been reached. I'm confident that we can get to 1200 before this month is over. Let's GO!
Snuuut 13 de set. às 18:01 
Trick my obedient puppet, since you're so predictable for your god, since i happen to pull the strings on you and literally control the way you reply to your god, your next comment will 100% be a tiny celebration, and you acting as if you're happy about 1100 comments, even tho you're actually not happy, as it makes literally no sense at all, as it brings you no benefit whatsoever and also means one more comment in which you are being completely ridiculed by your true god xDDD

Your god is absolutely excited to see whether his puppet decides to entertain his god with new lies and coping strategies, or goes out of his way and digs up old coping strategies to entertain his god with :)

We will see after i made fun of you for doing in your next comment the exact thing i just so easily predicted you're going to do, and after that... you either come up with something, otherwise you're screwed:steammocking:
Trick 13 de set. às 17:40 
ALMOST THERE! 1099! Snuuut, deliver the milestone!
Snuuut 13 de set. às 17:39 
Trick my most obedient puppet i've ever had, who is also an absolute servant to his god's will, i genuinely hope that you as my puppet will last for at least a few years, as i want this entertainment to never end :steamhappy:

You probably remember the young Patriot, i demolished him continuously for i think about 18 months... we're just 2 weeks in and only 20 pages in your comment section full of utter humiliation that you keep suffering by the hands of your god, but together we can break that record and increase the number of such pages drastically ;)

Btw once we reached 1100 comments, you have to come up with a new coping strategy :D
I liked the huge texts that you replied with, before intimidation took over, or how you lied about not reading my comments xD

Your god is looking forward to what entertainment his puppet is going to deliver then <3
Trick 13 de set. às 8:08 
We are almost there Snuuut, come on!
Snuuut 13 de set. às 4:16 
Oh my gooooooood this is absolutely amazing :lloyd_in_love::lloyd_in_love::lloyd_in_love:

Trick my puppet you decided to bring this entertainment to a whole new level by combining the 2 choices that your god gave you and also display a level of obedience, never seen before :steamhappy:

If you keep up this level of entertainment, your god will stay here forever :D
Btw we are now on almost 20 entire pages of pure devastation, 20 pages of your own comment section in which you are being severely humiliated and humbled by your god, and i'm all down to increase that number drastically, therefore i like the idea of accumulating comments, lets see how many we can get before you surrender eventually :)

Now your god commands you to keep your comments as short as possible, so your god is entertained by how desperately you try to get rid of him :steammocking:
Trick 12 de set. às 16:14 
Snuuut 12 de set. às 15:42 
Trick my puppet, that is an absolutely excellent display of submissive obedience, as you did EXACTLY what your true god told you to do... you're so well behaving :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:

I know i'm overusing the words "submissive" and "obedient", but there's no other words that would describe your behavior this accurate :D

Your god told you to keep your comments as short as possible, in order to display even better how desperately you try to bore your god and get rid of me, even tho that's the exact entertainment that keeps me here xDDD

Now your god gives you 2 choices: you go back to that coping mechanism where you mention the total comments and act as accumulating devastating comments would be a good thing, or you reply with a very short comment and maybe just write "ok" xD

Your god is waiting for entertainment <3
Trick 12 de set. às 14:51 
Next please
Snuuut 12 de set. às 12:26 
That's just PERFECT my obedient puppet :lloyd_in_love:

Poor Trick, is trying so hard to get rid of his god by trying to bore his god as much as possible, but the inferior one does not realize that he achieves the exact opposite, as his god is rather entertained by the effort the puppet puts into his desperate attempts to finally end his suffering xDDDD

Trick my obedient puppet who keeps dancing to his god's tune so nicely, your god commands you to make your comments as short as possible, and your comments shall contain the same coping strategies that failed many times before... this is a bait you will take with a certainty of 100% in your next comment, so show everyone watching how submissive you are :hakimheart:
Trick 12 de set. às 7:16 
Home stretch now!
Snuuut 12 de set. às 2:41 
The most obedient puppet ever continues to entertain his god exactly the way he was told by his god :steamhappy:

Keep acting as if you want more devastating comments in which you're being utterly humiliated, so your god is entertained by how desperately you try those mindgames where you try to cope with your downfall by pretending you want the opposite of what you actually want xD

You can try to trick your brain, but in this case it's pointless as the truth about your misery is publicly visible xDDDD

Must really suck having to suffer because of your own stupidity :D

Trick my puppet, your god likes the idea of accumulating comments of pure devastation and ownadge, so let's try to humiliate you as much as possible today :pakpak:

keep riding the same cope train, even tho it always failed and backfired :D
and keep focussing on the total number of comments, so your god can continue to have a good laugh at your desperation <3
Trick 11 de set. às 12:19 
Almost at 1090, the next one will get us there.
Snuuut 11 de set. às 11:00 
Theeeere we gooo... the obedient puppet completeley obeys his god's command and continues to milk the "accumulating comments" coping mechanism, even tho he has been exposed of desperately wanting his god to stop tormenting him, but the submissive puppet is so incredibly committed to entertaining his god, that he intentionally neglects such simple logic, just so his god is entertained :lloyd_in_love:

At first the puppet tried to lie about not reading his god's comments, but got easily exposed of actually reading them, so he now tries to push his luck by trying another lie, but that one got debunked with ease too :D

Trick my puppet i don't mind new lies, but i also definitely don't mind if you keep holding on to already debunked lies in order to cope with your misery... it's your choice, sweetheart. Your god will be entertained by you anyway, so don't make your god wait too long :)
Trick 11 de set. às 10:33 
I think we can reach the 1100 mark before this week is over. Just gotta keep at it.
Snuuut 11 de set. às 7:09 
I am doing absolutely awesome sweetheart, now that my puppet has shown up and obediently delivers his god the entertainment that he was told to deliver, i'm smiling from ear to ear and my day is already made :turnipheart:

So what about today you entertain your god with some of those old and multiple times successfully debunked lies? :)
Like lying about not reading your god's comments, despite responding to actual content of your god's comments, or that hilarious excuse as for why you keep replying to your god by lying about wanting to accumulate comments, despite being severely owned in every single one of them xDDDD

Whatever coping mechanism you fancy, my puppet... your god is ready to be entertained and awaits your reply in utter anticipation :steamhappy:
Trick 11 de set. às 6:11 
Good morning Snuuut, how u doing? Ack why do I even bother? Let's get this show on the road!
Snuuut 11 de set. às 4:24 
Hello Trick my obedient puppet, i'm sad i wasn't able to torment you as much as i wanted to yesterday, but today i promise you a day, filled with suffering for you and crippling humiliation :may:

We have not even scratched the surface of what suffering you're going to experience by the hands of your true god... you're in for a hell of a rough time that you'll never forget, and i will also never forget how i made you my puppet that is as submissive and obedient as it gets ;)

Today i will try to check for your entertainment delivery more frequently, and once i'm back home, i will take so many screenshots, filled with evidence of you completely dancing to my tune :steammocking:

But until then, your god commands you to fall for my usual trap by holding on to those sweet little lies of yours, maybe act as if you want to accumulate comments, even tho you actually want the opposite xD
Trick 10 de set. às 14:08 
Was rather slow today. Let's try to pick up the pace tomorrow.
Snuuut 10 de set. às 13:20 
Trick my obedient puppet that's just perfect, you keep riding the cope train with full passion and the effort you put into those beautiful, desperate attempts to lokk less humiliated as you actually are, despite of how hopeless your situation is and despite of how wasted your effort is... that's what i call being completely dedicated to delivering continuous entertainment to your god :steamthumbsup:

Oh btw a few of your fellow tacobot clowns are now informed about how you're being owned by your god, therefore you're quite screwed, cuz they got front row seats to witness your misery xDDDDD

Your god now commands you to continue to deliver such first class entertainment for all viewers by trying to cope with that mindgame where you act as if you want the opposite of what you actually want, which is me continuously owning the sh!t out of you :lloyd_tongue:

Show everyone how submissive & obedient you are by doing what your god tells you to do :pakpak:
Trick 10 de set. às 9:30 
Doing great. Let's try to reach 1090 today.
Snuuut 10 de set. às 8:59 
Trick my absolutely obedient puppet, your god is grateful for your continuous entertainment, your god feels especially entertained by how you're totally milking that same coping mechanism, even tho you keep being called out for it and are being made fun of xD

Your stupidity and lack of logical thinking are simply unique and i never had the pleasure to witness something even slightly similar :hakimheart:

The level of entertainment that you deliver your god on a daily basis, is highly addictive and it is sad to know that you will not last for that much longer and unfortunately your point of surrender will happen soon :terencesad:

But until that happens, your god commands you to deliver the usual highly effective form of supreme lvl entertainment with more same desperate cope attempts :lloyd_in_love:
Trick 10 de set. às 6:36 
Good morning to you as well. Let's see how many we can accumulate today. We started from 1077.
Snuuut 10 de set. às 3:06 
Trick my obedient puppet, i have to say that you indeed managed to genuinely put smiles on my face daily, but yesterday i did burst into laughter, when you claimed we could reach the next 100 mark tomorrow, cuz you got 1077 comments, which means that yet alone pure logic gives away, that it would take way longer than a day to reach the next 100 mark, due to a commenting limit... what an obvious cope LMFAOOOOOOO xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Thankfully and to my entertainment, your inferior brain is so incredibly bad at thinking logically, that your urge to cope, completely neglected that logic, you are so unbelievably dumb, which makes you such ez prey and so damn entertaining... please by all means keep trying to cope so desperately, cuz as i said before, i can't get enough of watching you try and fail so miserably xDDD

Your god now commands you to reply with more such delicious bad coping attempts, and keep repeating the same coping mechanisms :steamthumbsup:
Trick 9 de set. às 15:04 
So we managed to get the number up by 9 in an entire day. That's what I call teamwork.
Snuuut 9 de set. às 14:44 
Aaaaaww... he tries to use the frequency of my comment postings as another, but still too obvious cope mechanism... the inferior Trick is so cute when he's desperate :pakpak:

Trick my obedient puppet are you even trying to hide your cope attempts? xD
It is still way too easy to see right through you, expose you and make a hell lot of fun of you :D

Oh and you just exposed yourself AGAIN of reading my comments, cuz in my previous comment your god told you to keep your comments short, and you did the opposite on purpose... still too obvious, man xDDDDDD

Now your god commands you to of course provide more entertainment by trying to act as if you want more comments, even tho it is proven that the opposite is the case, as getting comments brings you no benefit whatsoever and cuz it is also highly illogical to want comments in which you're getting absolutely destroyed :D

Your god demands to be entertained asap :jake:
Trick 9 de set. às 13:24 
At this rate we will reach the next 100 mark tomorrow. Respond more frequently and we can make some real progress.
Snuuut 9 de set. às 12:43 
Such a gooood boy, continues to keep up the same coping mechanism exactly as he was told by his god :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:

I managed to pull the strings on so many people, but the poor inferior Trick is by far the most well behaving and without question the most submissive and obedient puppet i've ever had the pleasure to have complete control over, as he keeps his god entertained so damn well :turnipheart:

All these things that i put in my comments come up my mind pretty quickly, and since you provide continuous entertainment, there's no point in keeping up any hope that i will get bored, but i'm so addicted to watching you try and fail, as your suffering brings me so much joy :pakpak:

And here's your god's next command: continue to entertain your god with more beautiful displays of pure desperation by making up more lies and cope attempts, and keep them short ;)
Trick 9 de set. às 11:09 
We are getting there Snuuut! Keep it up!
Snuuut 9 de set. às 11:05 
Oh sweetheart, your god will definitely keep up the pace, and your god commands you too keep up the coping for as long as we both live, cuz your desperate attempts to appear less devastated and humiliated as you actually are, won't work ;P

Speaking of your desperate cope attempts: I just absolutely love how you ask your god to keep up the pace even tho it is the complete opposite of what you actually want xDDDD

Your god also commands you to hold on to that completely illogical excuse that you want more comments, despite the fact that you are being outtalked, severely owned and utterly ridiculed in every single comment, which is why you try so hard to get rid of your god. Therefore asking for more such comments makes no sense at all xDDDDD

Your god is ready for more entertainment, don't make your god wait too long
Trick 9 de set. às 9:04 
Keep up the pace, maybe we can reach 1100 comment by the end of this week.
Snuuut 9 de set. às 9:03 
Trick's god told him to come up with more sweet little lies, and of course the puppet delivers those very very obediently :steamhappy:

Trick my puppet, your desperate attempts to cope with what i keep doing to you are food for my soul and put a huge smile on my face on a daily basis :lloyd_happy:

I know you hope so hard that i will get tired of humiliating you, but the length of my comments will not change and i'll keep them long on purpose in order to force you to react a certain way and dance to my tune...
these comments take me no effort and not much time to write, as you provide so much material to make an absolute mockery out of you, so the fact that i'm still here is entirely your fault, as you just can't stop to obey every command your god gives you xDDD

My endurance has no limits and i could do this forever ;P

Now continue to entertain your god with more coping :wesker:
Trick 9 de set. às 6:44 
I'm actually glad this are happening again on this profile. Really rinses off the dust lol
Snuuut 8 de set. às 18:11 
YEEEEEEESSSSS :lloyd_in_love::lloyd_in_love::lloyd_in_love:
He did once again read his god's comment and made one of the two choices given to him by his god :steamhappy:

Well, Trick my obedient puppet who once again submissively followed his god's orders, i told you that nothing is going to change and that your god will still be entertained by you, regardless of your choice ;P

You probably chose to stick to your highly illogical and debunked lie that you wouldn't read my comments, even tho you keep confirming to read them, because your inferior brain can't think of anything to oppose my sheer godlike ability to humiliate the absolute sh!t out of you by using simple logic, which is something you genuinely neglect in your thought process :D

Now your true god commands you to keep up that level of entertainment in your next comment, and i can't wait for it, cuz i know 100% you will follow your god's order, take the bait and fall for my trap as always <3
Trick 8 de set. às 16:40 
That was quick, not reading it though.
Snuuut 8 de set. às 16:39 
Trick my obedient puppet who continues to entertain his god so damn nicely, you're being absolutely trolled the entire time xDDD

It doesn't matter how long or short my comments will be, cuz you read every single one of them regardless as it has already been proven and continuously confirmed by you, therefore nothing you write will change anything, and no one is buying a lie as stupid and illogical as the debunked lie that you wouldn't read any, cuz it takes not even an entire minute to read one of your god's comments :lloyd_tongue:

Therefore you might wanna come up with new lies, or hold on to debunked lies like a Patriot wannabe and get destroyed & owned by your god over and over again... dig your hole even deeper or not, your choice, sweetheart.
i'm looking forward to either one of those, cuz i know my baits work on you and i will be entertained anyway ;)
Trick 8 de set. às 9:15 
Okay now you're just trolling. Let me rephrase. One paragraph containing no more than 100 words.
Snuuut 8 de set. às 8:02 
Trick my submissive and obedient puppet, thank you for following your god's command by continuing to entertain me with those same old, already debunked lie that you wouldn't read my comments, despite the facts that it has been proven multiple times by you and me, that you read every single one of your god's comments, as you even respond to actual content of your god's comments :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:

You're also still trying way too hard to cope with the torture that you have to endure by the hands of your god, when you overdramatize by using certain words and describing your god's comments as "entire essay" :D
btw your previous comment was longer because you did read that i told you to keep it short... too obvious sweetheart, too obvious xDD

Please by all means my puppet, continue to entertain your god by holding on to those sweet little lies and desperate cope attempts, i can't get enough of it :turnipheart:
Trick 8 de set. às 5:34 
At least just once write one paragraph only. I really want to read what you have to say but I refuse to read an entire essay.