
Travingel 最近的评测

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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 2.2 小时 (评测时 1.9 小时)
发布于 2015 年 5 月 4 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 3.6 小时 (评测时 0.3 小时)
this community......
发布于 2015 年 5 月 4 日。
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有 5 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 28.0 小时 (评测时 3.8 小时)
i dont know how to explain it, but i recommend it
发布于 2015 年 5 月 4 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 42.5 小时 (评测时 13.0 小时)
the graphics may seem very dated to a lot of people, but since i grew up with graphics like this and even less.
the gameplay is ever evolving with your punches change and even extend your combo!
the game does a good job of giving you new things to do and more toys to play with and ruin peoples lives.
the story is engaging and keeps you interested.

so in short :
its still very enjoyable and i love it!
its just too bad that it constantly crashes on windows 10. even when you run it in compatibility mode to run as if its on windows 7.
发布于 2015 年 5 月 4 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 9 月 10 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 5.7 小时 (评测时 5.6 小时)
one of the few games you really do need to play with a controller.
frustrating but rewarding to play when you do finish it
发布于 2015 年 5 月 4 日。
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有 10 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 2 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 220.2 小时 (评测时 2.4 小时)
that sums it up, its amazing
发布于 2015 年 5 月 4 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 2.2 小时 (评测时 1.3 小时)
devs dont really know what to do with it and rate anyone that doesnt recommend the game's reviews as not helpfull.
childish and desperate.
to think i bought the most expensive version....
发布于 2015 年 5 月 4 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 2 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 4.1 小时 (评测时 2.5 小时)
devs abandoned it and made a sequal 4/10
发布于 2015 年 4 月 6 日。
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总时数 8.8 小时 (评测时 1.2 小时)
its a left 4 dead done wrong!
its free to play you have nothing to lose if you try it but i reccomend you dont.
if you are looking for a cheap zombie game to enjoy with melee combat / gunplay that isnt triple A get dead island (it carries triple A title but isnt)
发布于 2015 年 4 月 6 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 4.3 小时 (评测时 2.1 小时)
for playing it for the first time it feels great to play with slightly updated visuals.
even has ps3 / ps4 controller support wich is nice for there are no other controllers to use for pc that feel good.
i do plan on finishing this game but lord knows how long it will take
发布于 2015 年 4 月 6 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
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