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29.5 hrs last two weeks / 474.3 hrs on record (360.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 27 Nov, 2023 @ 8:55am
Updated: 8 Jan @ 6:51am

I think the time has come to write a "proper" review of this game, as I have invested a lot of time in it and it might be useful for someone.
After several drafts, I have removed almost everything and highlighted the main pros and cons of the game, I think the things that a new and unsuspecting gamer should know before spending his money on this title, trying to be brief, concise and honest.

First of all the PROs, The gameplay and gunplay, super satisfying mix between shoot and melee combat, tricky to understand if you are not used to Tide games but once learned, dodge and block is the key and for the Emperor sake, use your melee too. Chaotic encounters whit a lot of enemies, specials and even monsters that act like mini-bosses. All of these while listening to one of the best aspects of the game, the music, Jesper Kyd doesn't miss and this one is outstanding. It's hard to put it in words but he nailed that 40K aesthetic in songs that bring so much to the experience.
Visually is a pretty game, maybe even, even with the raytracing off (it doesn't bring that much to the experience but it looks cool anyway) the artistic design and details in the models and maps are fantastic, specially in the maps, filled with little details everywhere, every map gives you a glimpse of how big but claustrophobic the hive city is.

Now, I'll bring the Cons or at least the big problems I've found in the game, keep in mind I've been playing this game since it release, even played the betas.
It changed a lot since then but some issues remains and I'm not sure if they are going to be addressed in the near future.
This game requires all the time being connected to internet, you CAN'T play offline, unlike Vermintide 2, it's not P2P, it uses dedicated servers to run, even for the general lobby (The Morningstart).
There's NO solo mode, if you are alone you will be forced to deal with the matchmaking and random players. You cannot play solo runs with bots. There's private lobbies but you need at least one person in your squad to activate them.
Randoms players are a mixbag, it seems most of people just skipped the tutorial and think this is a pew pew left 4 dead in space. (Yes, it is a horde shooter, same principle different approache though). The situation improves in high difficulty, but at the same time you can find sweaty lords that take all the fun out.
I strongly recommend to play with friends, at least one, if you don't have any friends, one alternative is find people in the official darktide discord server. I've never done it myself but I've seen a lot of people doing it.
Another negative point, is how repetitive it feels, I think the game relies too much on map rotation, so it's pretty common to play in one game session to the same map at least, twice. And even if the world design is cool and well made, you can feel playing the same areas over and over, big factory complex, decrepit slums, huge churches. I know the lore of 40k, I'm not expecting green grass, flowers and rainbows, but in a game that the core goes around a loop. It can feel tiring, besides I'm sure you can experiment more taking how big Tertium is, and a good example of this is the new area that was included in the last update. So, at least this aspect can be improved.
Another aspect I don't like much is, how gear is managed, most of the time it doesn't respect the player time and relies too much on RNG, I'm not expecting to get the best weapons after a couple of hours but, getting decent equipment, once you've learned how all the big numbers ,blessing and traits work, can take too long...

Those are like the biggest complains I have about the game right now, there are many more.
As I said, I've been playing this since day one, I've been through a whole year of updates and a mountain of fixes. There weren't a crafting system day one, the progression system was minimal and meaningless, the gear system was a mess. The story was practically nonexistent (and it feels like it's barely starting after the Twins update). The whole package feel so lack of content that even a real Early Access game feel more polished. But you know something it worked since day once the Premium cosmetic store, damn right.
It could be okay if it's the first game of a company, taking our modern gaming times, but Fatshark has some experience already and let me tell you something, it feels like they didn't learn almost anything from the tide games, besides the core gameplay, everything else is... blant and poor executed.

It's a pity, the game has improved, and I think it has a bright future ahead but, after a year of being basically a beta tester, paying full price for it? Is this the norm now? Disgusting.
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