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3.6 Std. insgesamt
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Verfasst am 2. Mai 2019.
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8 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
11.9 Std. insgesamt (8.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
-Smoother gameplay than HR
-Great level design
-Worth replaying a couple of times because of different choices

-Very weak unsatisfying story
-Annoying to travel between the different Hubs
-Ending feels rushed, like the game was just cut off
-Breach mode horribly balanced probably because of micro transactions

Overall a very nice experience, it plays better than Human Revolution, I feel like the level design is better as well but the story is just weak and when you finish it you'll ask yourself "Is this it!?". Furthermore I think that the HR hubs are way more interesting than the MD ones but that could just be me.

Breach mode is a (nice) addition that will challange your skills (and wallet) and (not) keep you playing for a few more hours.
Verfasst am 30. August 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 30. August 2016.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1.0 Std. insgesamt
-Looks Great
-Very atmospheric
-Innovative gravity gun


I mean what is there to complain? After all it is free so the most you can do is waste 40 to 60 minutes of your life.

It honestly starts of great. For the first 20 minutes I felt like this could be some horror game that has you manage your ammo and puts you into creepy situations.

Nope that was quickly thrown out of the window when you got your new shiny toy, a modified gravity gun which is powered by your suit's power and pretty much 1 hit kills everything in a radius of 1-2 meter of the impact. You then move onto dispatching a huge amount of zombies and after that are pitted against 3 striders and if you beat those you see the credits rolling.

I enjoyed my time with it but I felt the game went nowhere. It's more like a prove of concept for the modified gravity gun. Still it is worth an hour of your time.
Verfasst am 3. Juli 2016.
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6 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
5 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
3.9 Std. insgesamt
Pants aren't required to play the game, and lotion is opitional.
Verfasst am 16. Juni 2016.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
0.4 Std. insgesamt
-Smooth gameplay
-Has the same art style as the movies, feels like you are actually in one of the movies
-Good graphics
-Good selection of Weapons and items
-Scary as balls (for 2/3rds, some very intense parts even after that point)
-Very immersive (for 2/3rds, some very intense parts even after that point)

-Horrible pacing, game overstays it welcome… a lot
-Highly pads out its length by having you backtrack and revisit older locations
-Alien becomes less and less scary and gets more annoying because avoiding it becomes mundane and predictable
-The more annoyed you get with backtracking and avoiding the Alien the less immersed you become which makes the game unable to be scary
-After a while you can easily predict when the Alien pops out.

There is just so much padding that you could cut 3 to 5 hours and the game would still be long enough to justify the price but wouldn't overstay its welcome and annoy you. I also feel like the Alien is used way too much. I remember how the beginning, when you are only able to hear it, was way scarier than the rest when the Alien pops out every 5 minutes or so. It just becomes repetitive.

Despite all these shortcomings the game is still enjoyable just don't expect too much from it.
Verfasst am 16. Juni 2016.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
10.6 Std. insgesamt
-Does not require ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DRM on top of Steam
-Simple and short, does not overstay its welcome and gets boring
-Interesting looking world
-Likeable protagonist
-Good pacing

-Honestly can't think of any real cons

Probably one of the most enjoyable games ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ released in years.
Verfasst am 16. Juni 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 16. Juni 2016.
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9 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
0.0 Std. insgesamt
This has been the first time that I have ever bought a season pass. I mean what could go wrong the past Fallout DLCs were amazing so I should give them the benefit of the doubt. Furthermore they promised a load of great DLCs and even upped the price from 30 to 50 because they wanted to create even more DLC.

Boy oh boy will I never trust them again. So the first 3 DLCs were a nice kick off. You get a short but sweet story one that introduced in depth robot customization. The other one is a little more on the boring side since it mainly adds workshop stuff. The 3rd one added a pretty big landmass but was only okay and didn't blow me away like F3's Point Lookout did.

So far so good but today they announced 3 more DLCs. 2 more worthless workshop ones and 1 story one set in some kind of theme park. Doesn't sound bad since they promised that they wanted to release more DLCs than they normally do. Welp Nuka World will be the last DLC for F4.

So in total you pay 50 euro for 3 worthless workshop DLCs which are more like mods, 1 with a minor story also like a mod and 2 that are fairly big. Yeah that is certainly not worth 50 euro.

So please just wait till the GotY edition is released and at 75% off because by then modders will have improved the game a lot and you will actually get your moneys worth out of this letdown.
Verfasst am 13. Juni 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 13. Juni 2016.
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19 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
25.0 Std. insgesamt (10.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
-If you don't own the OG you will get it for free
-Great FPS
-Smoother gameplay through the addition of dodge
-No more bullet spongy enemies

-Katana feels like it was ripped straight out of Shadow Warrior, also no upgrade tree for it
-Forgettable story
-A little easy because of the rebalance, died not once on normal

-A little short, took me 5 hours to complete the whole thing

If you can get the game for 3 euro and haven't played it buy it.
If you own the old one and want something that scratches your FPS itch buy it.
If you can't get it for 3 euro just wait for Summer Sale and pick it up for cheap.
Verfasst am 5. Juni 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 5. Juni 2016.
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168 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
22 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
16.5 Std. insgesamt (11.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
-Great soundtrack
-Great level design
-Good variety of weapons
-Decent length
-Brutal as Hell
-Super graphics
-You only use violence to interact with your environment
-Within 10 seconds you shoot demons
-High replay value

-Snapmap is a little too limited for my liking
-Multiplayer is forgettable
Verfasst am 30. Mai 2016.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
6.8 Std. insgesamt (5.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A pretty good speedrunning game but oh god levels 4 and 5 made me want to rip out my eyes because that ♥♥♥♥ was just retardedly hard.
Verfasst am 6. Februar 2016.
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Ergebnisse 1–10 von 44