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75.3 hrs on record
It's an incredibly deep game even if the look might make you think otherwise
Posted 2 December, 2024.
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714.3 hrs on record (582.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A mio avviso è il miglior survival che c'è. No, non è perfetto e si, gli aggiornamenti sono sporadici e ci sono altri difetti, tuttavia a quasi 600 ore di gioco, sparse in vari anni, non vedo l'ora che la prossima "alpha" esca e successivamente che il gioco vada in release.
Posted 27 March, 2023.
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80.6 hrs on record (80.5 hrs at review time)

Buy this game if you like X-Com style genres and Marvel.

I'm not an expert at all about Marvel comics stories so i wouldn't know how outrageous (or perfectly fine) certain interactions\stories with other marvel heroes are, however they are at least consistent within this game.

All is extremly nicely voice acted (minus Bruce Banner, for my personal taste), filled to the brim with easter eggs (some i'd assume are put there only for the mega-curious like me, such as some interactions between heroes that you might very much miss if you don't actively chase an hero after a particularly intense scene, for example) and overall a lot of hints to other marvel stuff which if you like "everything marvel" you'll very much appreciate.

If i ditch some very very minor bugs (some texture glitches here and there and some weird heavy performance dip in the final mission, fixed by just reloading the game) the game was as good as i would've expected.

It doesn't get 10\10 simply because even if they're purely cosmetics costumes (and not even the greatest, imo) i don't really see why the game should have the in-game store.
Posted 17 December, 2022.
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114.4 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)
I'll talk specifically for DMZ , since Warzone BR is a slight variation of the old and trusted warzone BR.

The game is sadly unplayable for me. Despite trying every fix know to man the game crashes over 90% of the times on certain days and on a lucky day it crashes only once every 3/4 games.

It has been a couple of weeks now since it has come out and despite fixes on their end and new drivers from NVIDIA the situation seems pretty much the same. If you got the bad combination of hardware (or software, i guess) installed on your PC, consider this game unplayable, which is a pity considering that when it works, the mode is legit fun.
Posted 3 December, 2022.
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859.6 hrs on record (799.7 hrs at review time)
Con l'arrivo della terza espansione probabilmente vi ritroverete questo gioco davanti agli occhi.. se è così e vi siete sempre chiesti : c'è un gioco che mi permette di avere una colonia composta esclusivamente da cannibali alcolizzati che venerano le piante ? La risposta è sì. E se volessi semplicemente costruire la mia comune hippie allevando bestiame ed usando solo energie rinnovabili fino ad arrivare al punto in cui potrò lasciare questo pianeta ? La risposta è sempre sì.

E tutto ciò senza contare le mod o l'espansione Biotech in cui potrete anche avere bambini, controllare delle macchine e manipolare il genoma.
Posted 17 October, 2022.
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9.1 hrs on record
What a nice piece of Cyberpunk game. Story well written, gameplay enjoyable and all.

Idk if i would've reccomended* it if i bought it at full 20€ price, but at 2€ it's simply a bargain that any cyberpunk enthusiast should buy.

*i feel i need to further my explanation about the "worth\reccomendation" of the game at full price. It lasted me 9 hours (granted i didn't 100% it because it has multiple choice across the game that could lead to a replay of the game maybe later on) and while i'm not an advocate for "you shouldn't want longer games but better games" it is still a factor. 20€ is probably too much FOR ME but considering the effort and the love for cyberpunk that is shown in game by the devs, it is still a correct price. Probably at 10€ would've end on my radar sooner than now.

I can't wait for future games from Dreadlocks, for sure.
Posted 30 June, 2018.
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13 people found this review helpful
47.7 hrs on record
Do not buy this game.

Relic abbandoned the project and overall is lackluster at best. If you want a good Warhammer 40k either buy Dow2 or Dow1
Posted 8 February, 2018.
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95.6 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Maybe not the best PC game, by far. But considering that is a Facebook\Mobile phone, it is allright.

I don't understand people who complains about the fact that you have to pay, it is a F2P game, so microtransactions are to take in mind.

Is it a bit too grindy ? Yes, but it isn't supposed to be a game that you constantly play, you open every hour or so, you do what you have to do and so on.

And it has all the Star Trek characters, which is quite nice.
Posted 27 September, 2017.
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50.1 hrs on record (27.5 hrs at review time)
After 4 hours of game it's more addictive, better done and way more cool than SimCity.. do i really have to add anything else ?
Posted 11 March, 2015.
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33.7 hrs on record
Se vi piacciono i survival di Zombie, questo è il gioco che fa per voi : GTA incontra Left4Dead il tutto condito a livelli splatter che solo i migliori Gears of War o Prototype vi hanno fatto vedere !
Posted 16 August, 2014.
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