Chance 7. Juli 2021 um 16:06 
Get to the JIP!
Hope you're well bud!
Tech 25. Aug. 2014 um 18:27 
*absentee hugs*
Veyen 30. Okt. 2013 um 12:57 
Where are you?
FallenPrey 24. Juli 2013 um 0:28 
Dat dart....
Tech 17. Juli 2013 um 13:04 
Still wondering where you went
Tech 25. Dez. 2011 um 19:54 
Mery Christmas
Tech 5. Dez. 2011 um 18:57 
you were online and I missed it!?!
Veyen 1. Dez. 2011 um 19:06 
Oh man, Kitty is comin back.
FallenPrey 28. Nov. 2011 um 21:40 
OMG HE CAME ONLINE!!!! 2 days ago :(
Tech 13. Nov. 2011 um 15:21 
Where are you?
FallenPrey 20. Okt. 2011 um 1:18 
Rah'Kalesh 11. Okt. 2011 um 11:39 
380 Dartless days
Veyen 27. Sep. 2011 um 19:49 
One dartless year
Spruce 17. Sep. 2011 um 19:57 
goin' on 356 :c
Veyen 23. Juli 2011 um 17:13 
300 days and still counting
Rah'Kalesh 6. Juli 2011 um 19:54 
283 Dartless days
Rah'Kalesh 23. Mai 2011 um 14:44 
238 dartless days
Veyen 6. Mai 2011 um 17:59 
222 dartless days
Rah'Kalesh 19. Apr. 2011 um 12:31 
205 dartless days
Sparty 26. Jan. 2011 um 0:32 
i miss poofy ;-;
hey buddy 12. Jan. 2011 um 17:45 
108 dartless days gone by
Luvi 3. Jan. 2011 um 11:37 
Darrrrrt D:
Tech 1. Jan. 2011 um 16:28 
I claim this vacant page in the name of Tech!
Rah'Kalesh 24. Dez. 2010 um 22:36 
Happy thanksgiving, And a happy merry christmas to you, Hope you come on. :)
Veyen 9. Dez. 2010 um 18:49 
Don't let it be a dart-less holiday D:
Veyen 26. Nov. 2010 um 11:57 
It is a dart-less thanksgiving
Rah'Kalesh 9. Nov. 2010 um 21:15 
*Applies even pressure, Leaves even pawprint, In cool orange colours.*
Veyen 21. Okt. 2010 um 13:37 
Yes, come back! The mice miss you D:
Luvi 26. Sep. 2010 um 4:10 
I said stop poofing D:<!
♥Radioactive♥ 18. Sep. 2010 um 6:47 
Dart! Oh thank god finally you accept! :D
Luvi 26. Aug. 2010 um 9:32 
Don't dissapear again D:
Luvi 19. Aug. 2010 um 18:38 
Yay Kitty's back~
Luvi 14. Aug. 2010 um 17:15 
You poofed D:
Rah'Kalesh 28. Juli 2010 um 5:42 
Dude, It's been 11 days bro, We're missing you bro, Sis got the flowers and all that ♥♥♥♥ man.. Just.. be okay man, I need to "pro"Fist someone soon
Tech 31. Mai 2010 um 9:18 
Made of fuzzy warmth and awesomeness
Rah'Kalesh 27. Mai 2010 um 17:38 
Totally man, Glitter is cooler than pizza.
Meow Mix 25. Mai 2010 um 8:43 
Made of pure awesome~ ...and appearantly some glitter too o.o
Tech 25. Apr. 2010 um 14:55 
are you still alive?
Sparty 19. Apr. 2010 um 10:53 
Rah'Kalesh 13. Apr. 2010 um 3:10 
Godsend for me and my problems. Shout out to dart!

Tech 2. Apr. 2010 um 7:59 
*Hugs tight* hope you pop onto MSN tonight
Luvi 29. März 2010 um 16:06 
♥Radioactive♥ 27. März 2010 um 21:34 
I <3 you Dart, You're always there, when people make fun of me (Luvi) you're always a shoulder to cry on. <3
Tech 10. März 2010 um 20:08 
Luvi 10. März 2010 um 15:29 
Hey Look, it's TechniKitty~
Demon Core Erogenous Zone 10. März 2010 um 12:13 
Aw snaps, it's teh Dart.
Tech 28. Feb. 2010 um 22:54 
And it appears I missed you again! This time it was because Steam froze on me and I forgot to restart it after quitting it!
Tech 28. Feb. 2010 um 0:21 
Argh, I just missed you! Curse you Sodium One for being so addictive that I don't check my computer!
Rah'Kalesh 7. Feb. 2010 um 11:26 
Iit's alliiive :3
♥Radioactive♥ 25. Jan. 2010 um 15:04 
*snuggles* :D