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Análises recentes de xXxTheInternet42069xXx

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silly fun
Publicada em 19 de agosto.
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45.9 horas registradas (9.0 horas no momento da análise)
Now i've only played this game on one map for about 30 minutes, but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is it incredible. The attention to detail is amazing. Let me give you an example. The map i was playing on has a frozen river running through it, this provides more openess to the map and opens up choke points. But thats not the cool part, when you hit this frozen river with artillery, it breaks the ice opening up the river making that section impassible. Then over time, IT FREEZES BACK OVER, and when its frozen back over, the texture isnt uniform like it started, its all chunky. Boy howdy do i love this game.

Publicada em 17 de março de 2018.
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