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12 av 12 (100%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Emit sparks for 1 second!
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 18:23

30 Ghosts

Eat 30 ghosts in succession!
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 13:54

Score Attack (5 Minutes)

Play Score Attack (5 Minutes) until the very end!
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 13:54

Score Attack (10 Minutes)

Play Score Attack (10 Minutes) until the very end!
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 18:23

Time Trial Cleared

Beat the Time Trial mode!
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 20:52

No Mistakes

Finish Score Attack (5 Minutes) with no mistakes!
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 21:06

No Bombs

Finish Score Attack (5 Minutes) without using a bomb!
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 20:46

All Maze Visuals

Beat the game with every maze visual.
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 20:40

500,000 Points

Score 500,000 points! (Score Attack 5 mins)
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 13:54

1,000,000 Points

Score 1,000,000 points! (Score Attack 5 mins)
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 13:54

1,500,000 Points

Score 1,500,000 points! (Score Attack 10 mins)
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 18:23

2,000,000 Points

Score 2,000,000 points! (Score Attack 10 mins)
Upplåst 22 maj, 2015 @ 18:23