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285.7 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
I have been playing this game since its' release, I bought a 360 specifically for this game. I played it in early access at Halo: Outpost Discovery, and I participated in all three flights and have played about 24 hrs so far on PC.

The Good:

- graphics are INCREDIBLE. I feel like this game has hardly aged a day.
- gameplay is great and controls well for mouse and keyboard (with some exceptions)
- connections and servers are good, I haven't had the connection issues that were rife on XBL back in the day
- Massive fileshare let me bring over all my old custom games
- progression is much less of a grind

The Bad:

- Armor Customization: The unlock system is hot trash. Armor progression is linear, which antithetical to the modular armor system of Reach. The 360 version allowed you to unlock only what you wanted. Items were rank-locked but you only had to buy armor pieces you wanted. I am never going to wear 90% of these armor pieces, why are you forcing me to unlock them? There are numerous issues with the UI as well, I would explain more in-depth but let's just say it feels like 343 didn't know how to make a UI for Xbox feel responsive on PC.

- Matchmaking:
Sometime after the release of Reach there was a TU update that reduced bloom and added bleedthrough. I think this was done to match the pace of COD and make the game more MLG-friendly. It completely ruined the balance of 80% of the maps and killed BTB because the DMR became a semi-auto sniper rifle.

TU gamemodes are now the only available gametypes, and some of the maps are absolutely broken with TU. Any maps with large open areas are now untraversable. Vehicles are made of paper-mache against focused DMR fire. Not to mention NO MAP VOTING, NO GAMETYPE VOTING, AND NO STAYING IN THE PREVIOUS GAME LOBBY. Why they changed these aspects? Who knows. But it's terrible.

Not to mention that there is IDLING DETECTION IN THE MATCHMAKING LOBBY. You can get kicked from an empty matchmaking lobby while texting or taking a quick piss. It's absolutely insane.

- Menus: I made so many friends in Halo back in the day. If I chatted with someone cool, I'd open the carnage report and open their playercard and add them as a friend. You cant do that anymore, you can only add from the lobby bar on the side. Also joining a friend's party is nearly impossible. We tried for 45 minutes last night trying to get 6 players in a lobby and finally gave up and went to bed. Not to mention that UI elements will sometimes just not work.

Anyways, there's a lot more, but these are the most glaring to me. 343 can fix most of these by doing the following:
- Replicate the menu functionality of OG Reach
- Allow map and gametype voting
- Have a separate "classic" vs "TU" playlist
- fix the armor system. Let us pick whatever items we want. The progression is fine if they want to push their stupid "seasons" system on us, but let us pick our freaking armor for the love of God. That was the entire point of Reach's armor system.

Sometimes it feels like 343 never really "got" what made Halo the legendary franchise that it was. Careful balancing made maps, vehicles, and weapons feel like they were perfectly meshed. The ability to add recently met players to parties and custom games. The sense of awe when encountering someone with inclement weather. This may be Halo: Reach by all appearances, but the devil is in the details and this port is missing so much of what made the original Halo: Reach so special to so many fans almost a decade ago.

TL;DR - fix the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ armor
Posted 6 December, 2019. Last edited 12 December, 2019.
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56.2 hrs on record (37.2 hrs at review time)
very good game yes
Posted 28 December, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
Posted 30 September, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
102.3 hrs on record (42.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I loved DayZ, I played it since the Arma 2 mod days in 2012. This game has been in official development for three years and is somehow buggier and more dumbed-down than the original mod. Almost all of the weapons and vehicles that people loved from the original mod have been removed, and replaced with useless survival nonsense. Broken loot spawns, dumbed-down senses and hunger and thirst UI, inferior reticle, but thank GOD they added in BROKEN PENS. Not to mention that Bohemia did this thing for a couple years where the price of the game was $30, and every time there was a steam sale they raised the price to $35 and took 15% off, reducing the price to $30, and claming the game was "on sale". So don't waste your money on this game. Play the Arma II mod or ARMA 3 instead.
Posted 29 August, 2016.
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25.0 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
Posted 2 June, 2015.
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147.0 hrs on record (48.7 hrs at review time)
The feeling of cutting down a charge of hundreds of men while taking no losses yourself is indescribable to anyone who hasn't felt it. Buy this game.
Posted 15 March, 2015.
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35.9 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
Left 5 Alive is a game where you have to survive rounds of undead nazis. Each round is more difficult than the last, with round 100 ending in zombie Hitler and Goebbels. There are many DLC's such as meme skin packs, paintball guns, and lego star wars characters. In this game you play as Tom Robinson, looking for his lost son. If you collect all 10 sticks of gum you recieve a real-life reward in the form of a personal letter from Gabe Newell commending you on your sacrifice for your country. 10/10 would login to friend's steam account again.
Posted 8 February, 2015.
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0.2 hrs on record
Posted 31 January, 2015.
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3.7 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Octodad is Octorad
Posted 25 June, 2014.
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3.5 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Crazy cool
Posted 25 June, 2014.
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