OHTC FOB 5O 3 hours ago 
Spider you can kiss my black ass yuneek alt you haven't the strength to a grow a mustache your community is dead thanks to you keep it up
OHTC FOB 5O 3 hours ago 
Gentleman the British Boyle on your ass is back let the telegram communitys know commence grow and infect my presence to y'all tainted groups spread the word infect the nations do my job for me ☠️ peace out 😭
Nbsuperspiderman 22 May @ 6:04pm 
Did Fa* boy decide to delete his comments again? God you two have been a real disappointment for the passed couple days. Not even worth the effort of replying.
>> "Aaron Zhivkov". 21 May @ 11:51pm 
thank god for him
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 21 May @ 11:19pm 
@Aaron Zhivkov
Because he's not in the same family as this psychopath
>> "Aaron Zhivkov". 21 May @ 10:22pm 
where's Aaron Murphy at though?
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 21 May @ 10:19pm 
@Assassin murphy
Jimmy Murphy
Kerrie Murphy
Kevin Murphy
Lizzie Murphy
Mackenzie Murphy
Maggie Murphy
Michael Murphy
Norma Murphy Hartigan

Kevin Liz's personal dildo 21 May @ 10:11pm 
Guangoo es el mejor!
Guilty Guango 21 May @ 9:13pm 
Please get a hobbie and try other things, your just wasting time of your life trying to annoy people just because and if you dont wanna do anything of value with your life then cry about it, this will be my last message to you because i dont wanna lose my time like you do lol
Guilty Guango 21 May @ 9:11pm 
You are screaming for attention like a horny rabbit dying to get nailed because no one has said anything on your steam wall, lil loser
Guilty Guango 21 May @ 9:08pm 
What are you gonna discover on ohtc?,
That we dont like you, or talking about weapons and their history, your a genius lil ginger
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 20 May @ 5:19am 
@Assassin Murphy
Why are you introducing your brother William and your wife Claire? lol
Guilty Guango 19 May @ 4:41pm 
De que hablas wey
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 19 May @ 4:08pm 
@Assassin murphy
What did you say bro?
You said Claire is fatty fatty fat fat fat w-h-o-r-e Right?
Guilty Guango 19 May @ 3:44pm 
No digas eso mi amor
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 18 May @ 2:57am 
Sawdee es el mejor
Guilty Guango 17 May @ 1:57pm 
Sawdee es el mejor
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 17 May @ 7:33am 
@OHTC Wife Club
My darling Kevin im your fatty wife Claire!
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 17 May @ 5:40am 
@OHTC Cult Killer
Hi Kevin! Aren't you neglecting your wife because you're so into Neonus these days?
GeekDoctor 17 May @ 5:38am 
SawDee es un gran amigo

SawDee es el mejor
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 17 May @ 4:49am 
@OHTC Cult Killer
Angela Murphy
Billy Murphy
Breda Murphy
Brian Murphy
Chrissie Murphy
Damien Murphy
Declan Murphy
Helen Murphy Stack

I love murphy's so much😍
Nbsuperspiderman 17 May @ 4:06am 
I’ll check in later for the next circus show to laugh at. 🤡
Nbsuperspiderman 17 May @ 4:05am 
Get verbally assaulted and that’s the best you can come up with?😂
I guess I’m still the one laughing so you meant me. 😂😂
What happened to all that confidence? You starting to understand how weak you are? “I’m going to show them cyber bullies😭” 😂 Fu*king clowns 🤡
Nbsuperspiderman 16 May @ 5:26pm 
Yeah how many of you have access to this account. The English today is atrocious. The references are awful and the spelling…jeez. 🤦‍♂️
Nbsuperspiderman 16 May @ 5:24pm 
Again I’d be hurt worse by an 8 year old telling me they hope I die. You two are too much. 😂😂
Get wrecked in an exchange can’t win without cheating so you drain fobs. A literal comedy show about worthless people. 😂
Nbsuperspiderman 16 May @ 5:20pm 
You can’t even beat a noob without cheats 😂
Keep trying though. The only one that seems to be raging is you. I told you your two are here for my amusement. I’m laughing every time I log in. And WTF is a “baby reindeer” doing in this conversation? 😂

Baby reindeer. 😂
Nbsuperspiderman 16 May @ 3:35am 
You admit to draining people (multiple times) “breaking” peoples security tabs and cheating because you’re just awful at a game you played for years. But magically your only concern is someone calling you “Murphy”. What a joke. 😂 God you two really don’t disappoint. Keep dancing monkey. I’ll be back later for some more nuggets of joy. You two are like watching a monkey ♥♥♥♥ a football. Just a train wreck your eyes can’t look away from.
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 4:37pm 
I’m going to bed. The daft cow gave me enough entertainment today then your slip up just gave icing on the cake. You can dance more for me monkeys but it will have to be addressed at a later time.
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 4:33pm 
So Murphy. You keep denying who you are but showing who you are. Get those ginger grub fingers moving and get into the xof chat. We can try and get that douche and knob out.
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 4:30pm 
For someone that “doesn’t know the guy” you seem to know the guy… but no you two are just entertainment for a”cyber bully”. BTW I can change my name too.
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 3:23pm 
Exactly. Finally you got somewhere intelligent! Took you weeks to understand. Your worthless to me. Just here for entertainment. Cope and seethe.
lauret906 15 May @ 3:09pm 
Real coward, i have nothing to say
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 2:59pm 
I literally went to work hoping I could come home to continue laughing at my punching bags and you didn’t disappoint. 😂🤗
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 2:58pm 
Lauret906 (gets verbally eviscerated in here) “I see you have resources” Are you winning, son? Two literal memes in unison. The ginger that yells “gingers do have souls!” And a keyboard player being asked “Are you winning, son?” Man the Mecca of laughing material.
SawDee 15 May @ 1:12pm 
lauret906 15 May @ 6:52am 
I see you got too much resources, come come
lauret906 15 May @ 6:52am 
I am waiting for you, cowardly spidey. Come come to me
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 3:25am 
You literally are the meme “Are you winning, son?” Enjoy life waiting on the cyber bully who couldn’t care less about you to find you. 😂
Nbsuperspiderman 15 May @ 3:23am 
@black_Naseous at least you got a bit better and called me a “woman”. I mean it’s not brilliant quality but a definite improvement. Although it did take you a week to get anything remotely “insulting” but then you lose all credibility with a “I’m trying to be mysterious and hard” by saying “I will be waiting for you today, coward. Find me if you can”? What the f*ck is this? We playing hide and seek? You hiding under the sheets scared of the cyber bully? You hiding in the closet? I know, I’ll count to 100 and then come and find you. You two have the most ridiculous takes on trying to troll. Listen the best advice I can give you is go to the bathhouse.
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 14 May @ 10:47pm 
Can't you hear something?
The sound of a Russian n-i-g-g-a b-i-t-c-h getting angry haha

And do you know the lines of Captain America?
'I can do this all day'
Yes, it's not over yet!
Oh my darling~
we're together till we die!
Guilty Guango 14 May @ 9:55pm 
your mouth looks like an ass because you talk pure ♥♥♥♥ lol
GeekDoctor 14 May @ 9:53pm 

Calm down, Naver is a good guy.

Can you accept my friend request please?
black_neonus 14 May @ 9:52pm 
@The Necrosword, stop talking sh-it. You are like a woman, only bla bla bla and nothing else. I will be waiting for you today, coward. Find me if you can
black_neonus 14 May @ 9:49pm 
@Naver, one more crying baby of GeekDoctor, you can drop the Murphy act, that traitor is long gone from this community , if he was active I would be the first to know I'm not finished with him
And I'm not finished with you either, bas-tardo
Kevin Liz's personal dildo 14 May @ 7:41pm 
What did you say murphy?
You said your d-i-c-k is 3cm?
Nbsuperspiderman 14 May @ 5:31pm 
Ava is trying to convince me he’s black. Because why? Who knows. Maybe he thinks it makes him more of a gangster and scary. Only delusional people think it matters. Come on ginger snap. Dance for us monkey.
Guilty Guango 14 May @ 5:14pm 
Me convincing you to dye your hair ginger this fall
Nbsuperspiderman 14 May @ 5:13pm 
Switching where you are talking to act like a badas* I see. Instead of continuing here you move around and make big claims. I thought only prepubescent girls played these type of games. You think this is an episode of mean girls? Those cyber bullies making you upset so you move to a safe space? Every action you take all I see is Tool tool tool. All I read is Knobism knobism knobism.
Guilty Guango 14 May @ 5:12pm 
No one is gonna comment on your profile lil bro, cry about it
Nbsuperspiderman 14 May @ 3:36pm 
Listen Ava if all you have are “boy” and “runt” insults I’d rather speak with the h*e. Get her here. Come on chop chop. On the double.