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Senaste recensioner av MrMuffinz

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11.2 timmar totalt
This game was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome.
Incredible art, atmospheric music, horrific story that constantly has you guessing, and pretty brain twisting puzzles.

My only issue I think was with the item combining and breaking systems.
Some of the things you need to do with items can be really... out there, in that they don't seem like they would go together and the only way you would find out is if you're just mashing combinations of items (which is kind of slow/sticky in the UI). There were quite a few points I had to use a guide in the later 1/3 because I was staring at my items and at dead ends on all 3 characters and had zero clue what I needed to combine and use.

The lore was really really excellent and interesting, and the story was quite heart wrenching by the end. I was fully invested in pretty much every character and they all very nice personal arcs and progression.

One other thing to look out for is sometimes you have to backtrack to something you thought you were done with either because something new appears, or when you last interacted with it, the icon for another interaction didn't appear. I don't know if this is due to animations taking too long, or if it's genuinely that you had to wait, but either way there were at least 4 points where I had to go to something I was sure had nothing left to do on it, and it suddenly had a interaction.

Besides these few bizarre instances of insane logic, the game is very good at letting you know what you can interact with and I would wager most people could get through a huge chunk of this game without a walkthrough while feeling rewarded from some cool puzzles. That said, if you get stuck, feel free to just use a walkthrough only to find out where to go next and then put it away. This is what I did and it worked well enough that I didn't feel discouraged or like I ruined the game.

I'm not a big point and click kind of guy, but this is a must if you think it looks even mildly interesting.
Evokes big SOMA vibes being at the bottom of the sea.
Upplagd 2 december 2023.
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7.0 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Most creative Backrooms game I've played-- quite faithful to the "lore" of the rooms they add, visually very nice, and chalk full of unnerving game mechanics that I dare not spoil.

Very good co-op game. Used to be short and kind of buggy but it's really become quite good.
Upplagd 10 november 2023.
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13.2 timmar totalt (3.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Another one of those "damn why didn't they push it another year?" type games.

I haven't played it since the week it released as the game felt underwhelming with a lack of customization, underwhelming progression, and not very many maps (at least not very different feeling maps).

However, with this last update that overhaul the character classes and progression (along with a whole year of new content and customization stuff), the game finally feels about where it should have been this time last year.

I'm not the type to hold grudges, so considering the game actually feels good now, I highly recommend it.
Upplagd 9 oktober 2023. Senast ändrad 9 oktober 2023.
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9 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
7.5 timmar totalt (3.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Somehow more miserable to play than the original games and the "new story"/ Writer's story was so nothing and ended so abruptly right after the boring snoozefest garbage that was Layers of Fear 2, that despite having played for 6 hours I am still praying for a refund.

The absolute pinnacle of horror slop and one of the most boring things I've ever played.
Not even kidding. Some parts were funny, but there wasn't enough comedy to prevent me from wanting to close the game every 5 minutes. Layers 1 was okay, but the second you move to 2 you will regret everything.

Absolutely mind numbing, avoid this ♥♥♥♥, even on sale.
I spent $16 and feel cheated.
Upplagd 15 juni 2023. Senast ändrad 16 juni 2023.
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34.6 timmar totalt (19.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's the original game but better in nearly every way.

I'm not going to gush over the actual game itself, because I already did that for my Enhanced Edition review, but this remake was incredible, and turned out, much like Dead Space, to be one of those remakes that you should just play over the original.

The combat is great, the music is great, the art is great.
SHODAN's redone dialogue is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome.
The game is great.

Do not be deterred by the game's maze-like nature and lack of objective markers.
The best way to play the game is use your map, clear every room you can, pick up everything, press everything, and pay attention to audio logs. If you get stuck, just use a walkthrough (even a walkthrough of the OG game works lol),

10/10 game, perhaps my favorite game this year.
Upplagd 13 juni 2023.
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11.1 timmar totalt (5.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Excellent game, by far my favorite Amnesia game, and a really great Penumbra game.

Remember how you played Alien Isolation for 5-6 hours, and you're like "this is great!", and then you played it another 6 hours and thought to yourself "Wow, surely I'm at the end, this is kinda dragging on", and then played another 8 hours and finally finished it?

This does not have that problem.

It's a perfect length horror game that does everything it sets out to do in the time given and ends exactly when it needs to. By the end of my 5 hour playthrough the game already felt like a journey, and I was left satisfied. This is just straight up a good survival-horror game. I call it a "good Penumbra game' because that's what the environment and the atmosphere of The Bunker evokes. It evokes Penumbra Overture's oppressive claustrophobic stuffy Mine aesthetic/ atmosphere. It's all the only game SINCE Overture to feature combat, and it's much better in this by a country mile.

Amnesia The Bunker is also very replayable, further enhanced by it's short-medium length playtime. If you wish to play the game again, you will find key items, as well as resource in general, in completely different spots, making you search out for what you need. Of course it's still easier on the second playthrough, but it makes it just fresh enough that when you boot it up again a year or two from now, you're not going to exactly power through it after memorizing your first playthrough.

On combat: The addition of a gun does not serve to make things feel less tense, in fact it increases the tension due you sometimes needing to use it for purposes that aren't killing the man living in your walls-- in turn causing said man to leave his wall home to give you a stern talking to for disrupting his much needed beauty sleep.

As for the story, it kind of takes second fiddle to the gameplay in this one, but if you seek it out through the notes hidden often behind optional locked doors that you need to blow up (risking your life), you're still met with a quite intriguing story of humans going too far, and a nice mystery of what the monster is, where it came from, and what the events leading up to this whole situation were. Not gonna like, the twist while obvious after you figure it out, still caught me off guard when it was revealed near the end.

This fresh take is what the Amnesia franchise really needed, and I hope to see something more like this out of Frictional in the future. Hide and spook is fine, but having extra gameplay options and tools really makes this one stand out above the rest.

Certified hood classic. 10/10.
Upplagd 11 juni 2023.
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4.1 timmar totalt
My favorite From Software game.
Better than Dark Souls, maybe on par with Bloodborne, and better than Elden Ring.

The combat in this game goes insane beyond just spamming dodge and hoping for the best.
All of your actions need to be timed precisely: your attacks, your jumping, your parrying, and your special abilities. It ends up making this once of the more difficult From games you can play, as you can't just "brute force" most encounters/ bosses with a big sword and thick armor.

This game constantly ups the ante with increasing amounts of brick-wall progression, but you only need the combat to "click" once for your brain to open up, and once it does you'll be playing incredibly aggressively and keep the bosses on their toes with huge combos.

This was written at "4 hours" but that's on PC.
I've beaten the game like 3 times on Xbox and am playing it again on Steam.
Upplagd 13 maj 2023.
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6.5 timmar totalt (3.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Just buy Boneworks.
It costs less, half of the game isn't a tutorial for avatars, and the campaign is longer and actually fun.

Consider buying this if they ever release the full SDK and maybe overhaul the campaign.
Upplagd 30 september 2022. Senast ändrad 17 augusti 2023.
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10.8 timmar totalt (5.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
An incredibly unique and ridiculously fun addition to the "immersive sim" genre where you are given a vast array of tools and wide open sandbox levels that let you handle the objective any way you see fit.

Except it's addicted to ketamine and huffing paint.

Very slight joking aside, this game is a very good time, and well worth $20.
It's jam packed with content outside of the main mission levels, and the developer keeps adding more and more.
There's tons of secret levels, hidden paths with secret goodies, and even optional fishing, in which you can go to each level and fish out of the various ponds, pools, streams, and toxic sludge drains for different varieties of fish to sell on the stock market.

The combat itself is very good as well, with nice "classic FPS" style fluidity and a huge emphasis on mobility.
There's loads of guns to find, a lot of them well hidden in each level, and skills to unlock, from simple springy legs, to literally shooting gunk out of giant holes in your back at high speeds to propel yourself forward.

All in all, it's a very wonderful fever dream of a game, and I highly recommend buying it.
Upplagd 1 mars 2021.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
11.7 timmar totalt (2.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
A very wonderful classic style FPS game, as many will put it it, in the style of Chasm: The Rift and Quake.
Pretty much any description for the game will do: Slav Dusk, STALKER Quake, etc.

The game currently in Early Access is 8 Levels totaling about 10 min each on the Normal difficulty, with 4 bosses, and 9 weapons. The weapons all feel great to use, even if the weapon sounds are slightly underwhelming. This isn't to say the sound is bad though.
The sound is actually excellent. The level of ambiance is stellar, and the sound track is pretty banging.
The sounds that enemies and the player make sound like they were directly recreated by the dev with Quake as a reference. The result is something different but very familiar to Quake fans.

Right now, the game is only about 2-ish hours long, but it was well worth the price.
This game is dripping in style and atmosphere, with pretty high octane gameplay that you could expect out of a classic styled FPS game. The custom engine is impressive, and very evocative of Chasm and Quake.

On top of it all, once you beat the game, "Intruder Mode" unlocks. This, however, is not DUSK's Intruder Mode. This Intruder mode is an Item and Enemy Randomizer, which adds some really great replayability to the game. I started the game 3 different times on Intruder Mode and each time the first weapon you get after the pistol, as well as the enemies you face are all different.

This is absolutely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome in my opinion. This means that I will be much willing to replay the game in future runs, let alone the single Episode 1 we have right now.
Along with this, there is a pisol only start mode like DUSK's Intruder Mode, so you still have that as well.

There's also an Endless Mode where you hop around an arena sized version of a level and just endlessly kill enemy waves. It's fine.

Overall, I give this game a 9/10. This game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rad and I can't wait for the rest of it to release.
Upplagd 29 januari 2021.
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