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Building in ASA is truly next level. In LOOOOVE #ASA
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1,089 Hours played
While a rocky launch and multiple delays have clearly led to a slew of complaints from the Ark Community, ASA still elevates the standard Ark Survival experience with multiple quality of life updates.

It is important to note the required specs of the game are quite high as the visual overhaul and changes can be taxing even on a quality machine. This is prior to the Day 2 update now live, so take this with a grain of salt.

From improved interaction with the environment, snapping for ease of building, improved dino AI, new items, baby dinos, new stunning graphic overhalls to the map, environment, dinos and structures, this updated version of Ark is breathtaking and adds exciting new depth to an already addictive game. There are various quality of life updates and features that I sure I am missing, however there are a couple I want to mention; grabbing fibre from leaves and grass, new dino death animations, baby dino taming, new character movement animations, front pouch for items feature & shared engram unlock/building for structure items.
For the final point this means 1 engram can be shared for Walls, Windows, Doorframes and the new UI and building system to engage with this means it is easier to create decorated and beautiful creations.

For those with mid range PCs, I urge you to check the required specs of the game and keep in mind when purchasing that UE5 can be quite taxing on older GPUs. (Happy to answer questions in the comments if need you want more clarity).