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Brother Beccus 2024년 10월 12일 오후 2시 21분 
This guy is one of the most remarkable individuals I’ve ever met. Not only is he one of the nicest and smartest members of our team, but he also has many charisma he’s hot

However, playing Ammogus with him reveals a different side. In the game, he transforms into an absolute devil, and you should be wary if you find yourself in his lobby. He’s one of the most cunning individuals I’ve encountered truly a Class A psychopath. Psych schools should study him to understand the twisted intricacies of his mind.

He has a knack for gaslighting and manipulation, making you question your instincts and convincing you that you’re the imposter. It’s a surreal experience that leaves you feeling like you’ve self-reported and committed social suicide. Honestly, he should probably be behind bars, deserving only canned beef for being so good

Despite this chaotic side, I rate him a solid 10/10 he’s my best friend, and his complexity makes the tapestry of our friendship richer.