Jon Chastain   Tajikistan
Carole Baskin
Killed her husband
Whacked him
Fed him to the tigers
They Snackin
Carole Baskin
🍁 zrn 27 maja 2021 o 8:48 
I punch my penis
Jango ッ 7 maja 2021 o 13:29 
Sorry, my English is terrible
Pardon for my inexcusably poor understanding of the Anglo-Frisian-Germanic language, and thus regional dialects, known by native speakers as "English". Indeed I do give my upmost effort to educate myself and better my understanding and thus comprehension of such an unusual yet widely used modern foreign language, but alas my efforts have so far encountered nothing but limited success. The combinations of both Latin and Germanic lexis have so far proved to be a serious tribulation for my progress.

However, I do not share such linguistic capabilities and expansive lexicon in my understanding of "English", so therefore I must once again profusely apologise for my such poor use of the vocabulary, Grammar and other such linguistic factors that one must consider in this context.
phothawin 27 stycznia 2021 o 19:16 
I spit fire like a dragon, you can call me Kevin.
🍁 zrn 11 lipca 2020 o 21:36 
why shrek piss shrek piss piss why? #italiano
🍁 zrn 7 lipca 2020 o 21:43 
Evan doesn't remember who you are lmao
🍁 zrn 13 lutego 2020 o 20:39 
I think its hilarious u kids talking ♥♥♥♥ about jonnyc. u wouldnt say this ♥♥♥♥ to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol -zrn