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136.0 hrs on record
An amazing experience with friends
Posted 1 December, 2019.
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56.8 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Comming from the original, Age of Wonders l and ll with the expansion shadows of magic.

I have a clear view of what's been added, the plus, the drawbacks, the changes in gameplay, etc.

And i have to admit, that even if i kind of hated the fact that it had many fewer races than the first AoW's 1 & 2

It still bought me, i enjoyed a bunch of new features, like being able to customize my Hero with new perks n stats.
Crafting Items, and having hero sub-types to choose from.

The DLC races that were "ALREADY ON THE FIRST GAMES FOR FREE" was a big no no for me, but i like the new spells and skills added into the game.

All in All, Amazing Game, would trow my money at it, cause the Original Age of Wonders saga is wonderfull, a Must Play, even the first ones, if you call yourself a Strategy Gamer.
Posted 4 July, 2019.
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58.8 hrs on record (28.1 hrs at review time)
Amazing, such fast and exiting combat on a RTS game makes the blood rush man!
Posted 17 January, 2019.
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19 people found this review helpful
232.1 hrs on record (45.3 hrs at review time)
If you liked: Supreme Commander, Total Annihilation, C&C, and games alike, this game is totally worth a try.

Even if it's not as "polished" or "eye candy" looking as some of the titles mentioned above.

Positive Stuff:
+It takes everything that's right and fun about RTS, and merges it all with a lot of "outside of the box" AMAZING Features.

+There's Co-oP Campaing!
sharing your units with ur friend so they can help you win those hard AF missions.

+A BIG Fu..ing load of maps to fit anyones taste.

+up to.. idk, 16 vs 16!? battles? with +2000 units or even more on the battlefield at the same time! (watch for ur CPU n' internet bandwith when you play those)

+CooP vs AI Waves Multiplayer Skirmishes or just classic VS AI that will definetly put your skills to the limit

+just like Supreme Commander, you can upgrade your Commander Unit (you) and choose between a lot of variations, like give your self a jet-pack, heavy guns, regen, speed, armor, shield gen, cloak gen, radar, anti-radar, missile launchers, all kind of lazzers, better building gun, tactical missile launchers, etc, etc, etc...

+More units n' buildings than i can remember, literally, see these games with an air, land n' sea factory?
3 buildings to produce units?
Well, forget that, you have 12 Factory Buildings to Produce from tanks, to bots, to land rovers, to gunships, to aircrafts, to ships, to spiderlike legged vehicles, to hover ones, to whatever you can guess, it's fu..ing! there!!
(From EMP attacks, Push/Pull Attacks, Gravity Attacks, Flame lasting DMG Attacks, Slowing Type of DMG, Disablers and so much More!)

+Game/Match Config is Deep AF, you can ban units, and change how many things behave, add resource multipliers, etc

+Online Ranks/Badges system, you earn XP and Badges just by playing online with random people, and your friends and others can see your achievments next to your name by hovering their mouse or just see your battle rank next to your in-game profile showing your level and Rank.

+You can literally Carve the battlefield, literally...
with your workers or your guns, you can even use gravity and physics to kill your enemy troops.

Never wished some map had a mountain or river placed diferently or somewhere just to give you more cover or an advantaje for attacking your enemy? or you're missing just a hair in lenght for your units to rain projectiles down the enemy base from a mountain close to your enemy?
Well, you can totally terraform it on the fly while engaging your enemy mid game.

++There's a Global Chat that Connects both, players playing the game, and discord players too, that allows for all kind of chat, help, asking questions or players to join your games etc..

That's a GREAT feature right there.

--Now, some kind of "negative" stuff:

-Well, only once the game crashed to me while i was starting a CooP, campaing mission with a friend cause he disconnected while i was about to start the game, but that's his fault i guess, i was still on the "party" but with no other players and i guess that kind of screwed the game.

-The invite system to play coop isn't quite intuitive, had to ask on the (really positive feature) global chat included on the main menu, where a lot of cool people chat and play, ask questions etc, and they sorted my issue out instantly, theres a "Party" invite system included for Campaing games on the top right corner of the main menu, you invite ur friends to a party to join ur campaing or vice-versa.

-This is a personal taste, but music sometimes is kite passive or not present from time to time, while cool, i would love to see a "custom music" feature to add into the game, would fill that feature with C&C songs from frank klepacki and some more intense hits. (DEVS PLS ADD THIS)

But since music changes when things get messy to a more potent theme, so it's cool to have that to change the feel of battles from time 2 time.

-Be sure ur friends Internet is up to the task of battles as huge as this game can offer from time to time, cause if they have ♥♥♥♥♥♥ bandwith they can lag the F out and you (also good feature) can pause the game so they can catch up, but they will keep lagging if their internet or PC is not good enough. (but that's not the games fault either)

So, basically theres almost no negatives for this game, exept eye candy wich doesn't matter cause it's so worth the trade for all these features and massive battles that i totally forget about it, i even turned down the graphycs to get better performance and play 16 vs 16 just to see what a mother of all battles looks like <3

Final Veredict:
A 10/10 would totally carve a river on a 100% land map just to watch my enemy face when a cruice lands on his main base from nowhere while all his land units are unable to navigate the map anymore totally fu...ing his land rush strategy..

A 100% try it with friends. or by your own
Posted 14 January, 2019. Last edited 14 January, 2019.
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14.9 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
So cute and fun, it's always a blast to play with friends

And if you played the first one, it brings a diferent deep in strategy with features like:

Diferent Buildings that boost it's units defence, reproduction, or a few Key buildings that can upgrade your whole Army's Stats etc...

And best part is you can upgrade all the map buildings and structures to fit your strategy!!

The addition of heros and hero's powers gives a controles chaos feeling that always keeps your battle at the edge of the seat, a good timed spell or counter, or a bad rush can turn the tides of battle on a blink so fast if you know what you are doing!

just try it, you won't regret anything.
Posted 30 December, 2018.
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71.9 hrs on record (23.1 hrs at review time)
Really Fun and Enjoyable to play with Friends, even for 2 buddies on a couch like experience using keyboard and/or controllers (be aware good controller analogs are needed for a good experience)

would totally call mechs or airstrikes by "accident" on my friends heads again, or just get revived to land on their face and totally blow em up when landing
Posted 24 November, 2018.
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63.3 hrs on record (61.9 hrs at review time)
Simply, the best Action Strategic FPS in the History of Games.
The ludicrous ammount of Deep this game has is just outside the charts..
Posted 23 April, 2018.
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7 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
1,539.7 hrs on record (22.0 hrs at review time)
Conoce el lado Oscuro de tus Amigos, y admira como los memes consumen tus juegos de Mesa preferidos

Una joya en verdad para los Amantes o Aficionados a los Juegos de Mesa, y a la Diversión en General.
Desde sus inicios hasta el día de Hoy, el juego ah mejorado bastante (y los devs lo mejoran mes a mes activamente)

Sin lugar a dudas, si te gusta hacer memes con amigos o jugar juegos de mesa en serio, legalmente epicos, este juego lo brinda todo, no solo herramientas con un nivel de manejo y customizacion inimaginable, tanto que puedes jugar MonoPoly o Catan, Cualquier juego con fichas de WarHammer 40K, Orcos, Ponys, Pepa Pig, SHrek, lo que quieras.

Sino que Tambien una Calidad y cantidad de Objetos, Juegos, Accesorios, Extras, y Contenido En varios idiomas en el Workshop.

Osea, resumido: Tienes todos los juegos de mesa del Mundo haberes y por haber (por que si sale alguno nuevo seguro aparezca en tu workshop al cabo de unas semanas) y esta todo disponible (si no esta en un DLC) por el único e increíble precio de comprar 1 copia del "TableTop Simulator"

RECOMENDADO: Compre el 4-Pack a 300$ Pesos Arg* (estando a 50% de descuento) en año nuevo. y de haber podido, lo compraría de nuevo para sumar mas amigos al Grupo, Es un Oferton, comprar el 4pack y repartir el precio entre amigos, LO VALE <3

Es un juego que tendra miles de Horas, el que mas horas tendra en tu libreria, y es muy facil dar con amigos que hablan tu mismo idioma por el sistema de encontrar servidores.

En Twitch " GonTar_y_LadyAshes " lo jugamos con viewers y cualquiera que tenga el juego por si quieren visitarnos, y tmb en nuestro Discord
Posted 2 January, 2018. Last edited 5 July, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
35.7 hrs on record
Fun, Full of Action, Hilarous, with a lot of amazing moments to experience memes and trow goats at your friends and enemys 10/10
Posted 27 November, 2017.
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8.7 hrs on record
After hours of trying to play this "game" It seems that crashing every few minutes or lagging 2 hell is the only "GamePlay" i can get out of it...

Almost Everything u do on this game leads to a single result, CRASH & WASTE TIME.

So, there's only 1 Thing i can recommend you about this "game"

If fighting against issues isn't in your to-do list, then this may not be the project you want to buy.
You 'll thanks me for saving you hours of brain pain 'n frustration caused by compatibility bugs...

My first experiences on this game were literally these:

1ºst try: Spawned, Run to a rock, touch it -> Crash

2ºnd Try: Spawned, Ran to a tree, Went Throught it -> Crash!

3ºrd Try: Spawned, Found a villager, He attacked me -> CRAAASH!!!


edit: some crashes were fixed since last update (march).
Posted 8 March, 2015. Last edited 22 March, 2015.
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A developer has responded on 14 Mar, 2015 @ 1:40am (view response)
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