Mister Fogg   Washington, United States
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2,218 Hours played
I really like this game. I had tried it back in 2018 and only got to lv 10, but I tried it again during the Bomb's Drop event and couldn't put it down. ($26 sale price for Steel Reign pack).

The pre-war area repeats the infamous history of coal mining complete with unsafe working conditions, endless hours for insufficient pay (another day older, and deeper in debt), corporate espionage and sabotage, how little the wealthy value the lives of the poor, the only major employer in town replacing all the miners with machines stranding the workers with no opportunities (company town), the government calling any organization or unionization "communism" so they can violently put down striking workers…

Then in the current plot of the game you have to convince several factions to vaccinate themselves against a plague they don't think is real.

I'm writing this in 2021, it fits now too perfectly. If they tried to release this game today it would be panned for having such a heavy handed plot.

Glitches are pretty rare but it's still the Creation Engine. The worst offender for me has been failing more than one Timed quest because the target was clipped into the wall and couldn't get hurt until after timer expired. One was a story quest for Crater that caused me to fail a dialogue check in a later quest. It wasn't until later that I learned quitting to the main menu before a checkpoint will reset an instanced in-progress quest… I hope that helps you.

My PC is below the minimum system requirements but playing is fine until I hit a major event loaded with people shooting laser weapons, that can lag a bit.

Around lv 120 I started working on acquiring the "end game" gear sets. The limited number of Caps and Legendary Script that can be earned each day caused a backlog in my inventory that meant all of my playtime was dedicated to figuring out what weighed so much. I feel that I was forced to get Fallout 1st to allow for infinite parts storage, something that was already in Fallout 4. For $14/mo you get the infinite parts storage, which if you are crafting gear you will probably want or need, then you also get a mobile spawn point with storage access that can be redeployed freely (where you camp maxes at 40 caps a move, regardless of distance), and premium currency worth an extra $2.50 over your sub price.

I liked that just by playing I was able to earn 3500 of the premium currency on my character to be able to earn some cash shop items, and that the not strictly cosmetic items are also available in-game. I hope more companies do that.