United States
Rock and Stone to the bone!

Don't ask me about the hours I spent in Dota 2.

click here for my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Dotabuff specs [] :sans:

10 years since singsing Dota 2 strim

Completionist Showcase
The_Spicelord 24 Dec, 2024 @ 9:53am 
He just won't stop talking about being a neighborhood captain of White Dudes for Kamala
The_Spicelord 24 Nov, 2023 @ 10:23am 
what kind of a man names their sea urchin hitler? what kind of man even buys a sea urchin in the first place?
The_Spicelord 13 Nov, 2021 @ 10:11am 
imagine having a world-renowned cuck as your profile picture for years on end... trying to tell us something?
saint__ultra 26 Jun, 2020 @ 4:43pm 
he said an agoraphobic slur. #CANCELLED
The_Spicelord 26 Jun, 2020 @ 4:42pm 
He's dank and not in a good way. I mean he smells like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trash. Take a shower you loser
The_Spicelord 3 Dec, 2018 @ 1:08pm 
made disparaging remarks against the jewish people during a match as skywrath mage. repeatedly mocked jewish accent. flagged account for antisemitism :)