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31.9 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 642.2 uur in totaal (560.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 10 feb 2021 om 15:38
Gewijzigd: 3 feb om 16:59

Some people may or may not like this game and that's okay. I remember playing this on my Xbox 360 back in the days and this was one of my first games when I built my very first gaming PC back in 2014. I'm still playing it today and it doesn't change. The community is small and sometimes you see the same players another day. It's super sweaty and I'm glad it's still a game people choose to play. Yes, it is old and that shouldn't deter you from this game. One things for sure, this game won't ever change. Get this game when it's on sale if you enjoy a competitive zombie experience. Trust me, you'll get your occasional beginner lobby, but, most lobbies can and will get very competitive and sweaty. I highly recommend this game if you're looking to expand your zombies experience.
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