The Regent
In absence of the king.. ♔
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:agathacross: Roman Catholic
:legitimacy: Monarchist, Traditionalist
:Currency: Professional Counter Revolutionary
:Rings: Super Straight boy married to a Super Straight girl
:Imperial: Father of two
:steamhappy: Creator and co-leader of Catholic Meme Squad
:medice: Aspiring GameMaster

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P.S., it is dangerous to go alone. Take this:

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Catholic Meme Squad
We rollin with Catholic Meme Squad now :2015car:
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The Regent 18. dub. v 0.08 
6. The Gospel and Purgatory

Claim: "Purgatory is made up false doctrine."
Catholic understanding of the gospel includes the process of sanctification, which is where the idea of Purgatory fits. It is a state of purification for those who die in God’s grace and friendship but still have imperfections (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1030). The teaching is supported by biblical references to a purgatorial fire or process (e.g., 1 Corinthians 3:15) and has been affirmed by early Christian writers.
The Regent 18. dub. v 0.08 
5. Mass and Salvation

Claim: "Weekly Mass doesn't save anybody."
The Catholic Church teaches that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life (Lumen Gentium, 11). The Mass is not merely a weekly obligation but a celebration of the Eucharist, where Catholics believe they receive Christ Himself. It is not a substitute for a personal relationship with God but an integral expression of it. Scripture suggests the importance of communal prayer and worship (Acts 2:42-47).
The Regent 18. dub. v 0.08 
4. Pope and Priests

Claim: "Stop worshipping the pope and priests."
The pope and priests are not worshiped in the Catholic faith. The pope is regarded as the Bishop of Rome and the successor of Saint Peter, serving as the spiritual leader and shepherd of the whole Church. He is greatly respected, not worshipped. This respect is rooted in the biblical understanding of Peter’s role among the apostles (Matthew 16:18-19).
The Regent 18. dub. v 0.08 
Catholic ecclesiology as it has always existed untill today is also confirmed by the ecumenical council. The acts of the Council of Chalcedon call the pope "the head of all the Churches" and saint peter "the rock of the Catholic Church and the foundation of the orthodox faith".
The Regent 18. dub. v 0.08 
3a. The Catholic Church

Claim: "The Catholic Church was the first church but was hijacked by Rome and is an occultic false religion."
The Catholic Church traces its roots directly to Jesus and His apostles, making it one of the earliest established Christian communities. The See of Rome, where the Pope presides, is the apostolic see because it was founded by the apostles Peter and Paul, both of whom were martyred in Rome. The Catholic Church remains faithful to the teachings and traditions handed down from the apostles. This includes doctrinal developments, liturgical practices, and the structure of Church governance. To assert that it became "occultic" is to misunderstand the history and teachings of the Church, which focus on the worship of the triune God and adherence to the gospel message.
The Regent 18. dub. v 0.07 
2. Praying to Saints

Claim: "Praying to saints is wrong, and Mary and the saints aren’t holier than anyone else."
According to Catholic teaching, saints are venerated, not worshipped. The Church makes a clear distinction between latria (worship due to God alone) and dulia (veneration given to saints). Hyperdulia is the special veneration given to Mary due to her unique role as the Mother of God. Catholics believe that saints, being in heaven, can intercede on their behalf, as mentioned in Revelation 5:8, where the elders (interpreted by some as saints) offer our prayers to God. The recognition of saints as holier is attributed to their evident virtues and sanctity of life, recognized formally in the process of canonization.