:heartoful::2016villain: We can do it, team! :2016villain: dayJoy :heartoful: 9K Dota couch :heartoful:
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Thumbs up, but definitely not a perfect game. The episodes themselves are fine, story and voice acting seems like proper Doctor Who episodes. Sadly the game has a few impractical things in it, low graphics and a few bugs. The mouse seems laggy in the buzzer game puzzle, which is pretty annoying. I also feel they overdid the stealth thing a bit; there's a lot of it. The music is great, ofcourse, the game uses the music from the tv show.

The sound in this game really bugged me; the voices did not seem to come from the characters properly and it didn't sound like the voices came from the place the character was; they sounded like they were in a sound studio (which they probably were) and whoever managed sound didn't do a good enough job to put the voices in their proper setting. The sound effects are also off; knocks on doors, for example, is randomly played and does not match the characters hand hitting the door. In the last episode, for some reason,; probably supposed to sound like wind or water; the sound sounded like a crap microphone sound over skype, like someone put their volume on too high and didn't speak, but the mic kept running.

The game has a fairly low quality on the graphics, but most characters have a good likeness, with the exception, I feel, of Rory, who looks rather bland and not too recognisable. Amy's face makes her look 12, which is an awkward mix with her short skirt and the whole being married thing.

I experienced a few bugs; in one episodes it's possible to fall into the water, but you spawn on the harbour again almost instantly so no harm done. Another bug I had was starting the game from the main menu into a particular savepoint where there is a puzzle with lasers spawning in hallways that are timed and you have to move between corridors to dodge them. For some reason when spawning into this savespot from the menu one laser was on all the time and the other lasers never showed. "Fixed" by suicide, but annoying again. I also had a few times npcs would get stuck; mostly random npcs wandering around, but at one point an enemy as part of a stealth puzzle (made it easier so I shan't complain too much), but most annoying; when you are in a stealth puzzle and have a companion with you, your dumbarse partner has a chance of getting stuck and if you're reeeeally unlucky they will get stuck in a point where they are found by an enemy and killified and you have to start over.

Another impractical things; you cannot see your collection from the main menu in the main episodes; you have to quit to the menu to see it.
The game has 2 options when opening it; either run the first 4 episodes or the longer Gunpowder episode. The first 3 episodes has 3 acts and when you have completed it you can start in any act, which is nice if you forgot a collection item. For some reason the Gunpowder episodes does not have this option and you have to start over from the beginning of the episode if you missed something.

Is it for fans only? Probably yes; as with all the bugs and minor nuisances you can probably find a better game in the genre. Most episodes have enemies already seen in the Doctor Who universe, but nothing a newbie can't handle, with the exception of episode "Tardis" where you get a quiz about some things from the show (even from pre-2005). Nothing google can't fix and the questions don't change should you fail and have to try again, so you can always guess your way through.

Overall a decent game if you want to feel part of a Doctor Who episode or five, but not the best game for its genre and a non-fan should probably look elsewhere for p&c adventure.

Edit: Typos
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