Catgirl Jesus
Tom Cruise   Oklahoma, United States
I exist purely to consume Catgirl content. God bless the man that thought of putting a feline's ears and tail onto the inferior gender, truly peak decision. I absolutely adore Catgirls. I wish everyone else in the world shared my love for Catgirls. Catgirls are love. Catgirls are life. God bless Catgirls, and no other monstergirl.
Review Showcase
10.8 Hours played
I absolutely adore this game. The matching mini-game to unlock the girls and scenes is very fun and engaging, and in the later levels provides a nice little challenge to get the brain working. Yeah people will say "It's just a match 2+ game, it's not that hard" and they'd be correct, but the visuals make me happy and so I'd say their opinions on the topic is rather irrelevant. The visuals changed from the circular simplistic cats to a square, more saturated visuals, and I've got to say it just works well. The cute and kawaii aesthetic just fit so well with the game and I genuinely love the direction of the gameplay art style.

The game still keeps its informational aspect when unlocking the cats and honestly I absolutely love the little quips and fun facts. These are definitely things I'll be remembering and I hope the next installation, if they're making a 4, has even more interesting facts. The girls are truly divine. I don't know who the artist for these girls are, but they've got absolute peak taste. You can see their improvements from the first and second games and it's such a huge leap in quality of design. Props to the artist, please keep doing this!

I highly recommend this game to anyone, yeah the smut is good, but the game is an overall great visual experience!
Completionist Showcase
[TBS]乳腺癌疫苗 16 Jul, 2020 @ 5:55am 
Hey brother
DIZZY™ 27 Mar, 2017 @ 11:12am 
Yes, <3

Ye darling queer.
DIZZY™ 18 Mar, 2017 @ 12:26am 
"High Speed Loli Machine", Dianna get your chubby ass a Discord and come back to me, bby.